School News, Birthdays & Awards 

Please scroll to the bottom of this page as there is lots of useful news and celebrations.

Wishing the following children a very happy birthday.

Thomas S





Hip Hip Hooray!!


A friendly reminder that Photo Day is coming up soon.

A secure advancedorder site is now ready for parents to order their preferred packages online by 29 March. Any orders received after 29 March will incur a $15 late fee.

Sibling orders close midnight the night before on 18 March. online code EQ8 W43 9MR

Congratulations to the following students for receiving an award this week.

FAESavannahFor being ready to learn by helping her friends line up on time.
FAERubyFor asking for help from a teacher when unsure.
FBBIsaiahFor great listening and being ready to learn.
FBBMaverickFor using his best effort to do 3 star colouring.
1/2BBMercedesFor recognising and following our school expectations. You fit fantasically in 1/2 BB and St Anne's. Well done and welcome!
1/2BBJakeFor working hard, concentrating and huge output on "How to wash your hands". Fantastic effort!!
1/2BBIndigoFor fantastic focus and effort on handwriting and for your neat, consistent letter sizing. Well done!!
1/2CWMilaFor your hard work writing a procedure on "How to build a snowman". Superstar!!
1/2CWSylvesterFor always showing that you are ready to learn. Amazing!!
3/4ADIsaacFor listening well to make sure he added great paragraphs in his writing.
3/4ADLillieFor being resilient and working hard even when feeling under the weather.
3/4ADSpencerFor settling well and trying hard to follow our BE READY TO LEARN statement.
3/4ADJasmineFor trying her best to be organised for her learning.
3/4BBAnastasiaFor always being ready to learn and being a kind, considerate classmate.
3/4BBAlex For consistently working to uplevel and edit his writing.

School Disco