Principal's Message

Dear parents, students and families,
Thank you for your time attending Parent-Teacher meetings for Years 1-6. We trust these meetings have been beneficial in making a smooth start for the students. A special thanks to Mrs de Veer, who despite being on medical leave, made herself available to meet with parents from her room.
I had the great pleasure to join our Year 5/ 6 campers on Tuesday for their activities visiting the Melbourne Museum, Victoria Market and Ice-Skating in South Bank. The staff were a little tired after about 4 hours sleep but they were making the most of providing a great experience for their students. Besides the activities, moving around the city by foot and tram supplied so many opportunities for the staff to model basic expectations like walking on the left, not taking up the whole footpath, the etiquette around getting on and off trams and filling the space in trams. Many of these lessons, though not part of any formal curriculum, help our students to grow up to be more aware adults. I am sure the students all had many very positive stories to share with their families on their arrival at home and they will reflect back on some of these even into their adulthood. Thank you again to our amazing staff Mrs McKenzie, Mrs Ward, Mrs Thomas and Mrs Canavan.
Shrove Tuesday was on Tuesday and I thank members of our P and F who made this memorable after school with the traditional cooking and eating of pancakes. Mrs Winduss said they "absolutely nailed it", so again Thank You!!
Lent commenced Wednesday with Ash Wednesday for which we held a Liturgy together in the hall. I thank Mrs Winduss for organing this and Sumitha and Fr Martin at the Parish for supplying the ashes. Our campers also held a Liturgy together whilst at camp and I thank the staff for leading this under Mrs Thomas' guidance.
Tonight is the Preparation Evening at 6.30pm for students and families receiving First Reconciliation in the Church so this will include many of our Year 3 families.
Our Lenten journey continues now for the next 39 days. Lent is a time of spiritual discipline, centred on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Through prayer, we deepen our relationship with God. Through fasting, we practice self-discipline and detach from worldly distractions. Through almsgiving, we express love and charity toward others, especially those in need. These practices help us grow in holiness and prepare our hearts to celebrate the joy of Christ’s Resurrection at Easter.
A reminder that next Monday 10 March is a public holiday for Labour Day.
Our School Advisory Committee will meet on Wednesday 12 March commencing with our AGM.
Next Wednesday 12 March NAPLAN assessments commence for our Year 3 and 5 students with the major testing concluding on Monday 17 March. It would be beneficial for our Year 3 and 5 students to be here on each of these mornings to enable these assessments to be completed within the set timeline.
Finally I know the P and F have been working hard on ensuring a social occasion for our students next Friday 14 March with a Disco between 5.30-6.30pm. If your child is attending it is important that they are accompanied by an adult so that the evening is fun for all.
God Bless and have a great week.
Rod Shaw
School Attendance and Unexplained Absence
Please contact the school if your child is going to be absent by leaving a message on
9786 4736 and press 1. Please give details of your child’s name and class with areason for their absence such as: unwell, appointment, holiday or family reasons. Alternatively an email can be sent to with cc to the child’s teacher.
If you are running late, (after 9:00 am) please attend the office to sign your child into school and collect a late pass.
If you are picking up your child early you will need to collect them and sign them out from the office.
As per our policy this will be our morning routine for absences:
Parents will be contacted as soon as practicable on the morning a student is absent via a text message.
If parent does not contact the school after receiving the text message, the school will contact the parent by phone. If the parent is unreachable the emergency contacts will be contacted by the school.
If there is still no response, and the school feels that the child is in danger, the police will be contacted.
Ongoing unexplained absences or lack of cooperation regarding student attendance will result in a formal conference being organized. Unresolved attendance issues will be referred to D.H.H.S.
This is a legal requirement.
Democratic Principles
The six (6) principles of Australian democracy include:
(a) elected government; and
(b) the rule of law; and
(c) equal rights for all before the law; and
(d) freedom of religion; and
(e) freedom of speech and association; and
(f) the values of openness and tolerance