Principal's message
Welcome to the 2025 school year.
Our children and staff had a great start to the year, the children enjoyed reconnecting with friends and their teachers, and the teachers delighted in working with their children to create calm, safe and focused learning environments.
The weather is particularly challenging this week and in the interests of all in our school when the heat is extreme we revert to our hot weather policy changing the play break at lunch time to play time to still provide the children with the opportunity to have a good break outdoors whilst avoiding the extreme heat. We remind all children to wear a
St. Bernard's broad brimmed hat when outdoors.
There are several important event on the calendar for this term.
Safe on Social Parent Meeting 17th February.
On Monday 17th February we have Kirra Pendergast from Safe on Social attending our school to work with our staff, children and parents about being safe with their digital devices.
All children in grade 3 to 6 will have a tablet to support their learning. In order to effectively and safely use their device the user agreement for the device requires signatures from parents. As with last year parents are required to attend this meeting with their child, listen to Kirra and then sign the user agreement with your child. Once the user agreement is signed the child will be given access to their device at school. The meeting will begin at 6.00pm and last for one hour. Children are required to sit with their parents during the meeting.
Opening of the Year Mass.
Our opening of the school year mass will be held on February 20 at 9.30 am in our school hall. We invite all families to join us as we celebrate the Eucharist.
Meet and Greet interviews.
An important element of your child's education is the relationship with the child's teacher and school. The meet and greet interviews are an opportunity to develop this relationship. These will be held over weeks 4, 5 and 6 beginning on 17th February. Your child's classroom teacher will be in contact with you regarding times for these.
Foundation Students
We remind parents of our youngest children that Wednesday is a rest day for the Foundation children. This continues until the long weekend in March 10th when Monday is a public holiday and the children come to school Tuesday, to Friday.
Shrove Tuesday/Pancake Breakfast
March 4th Our Social Justice student leaders will assist us as we enjoy a pancake breakfast as prepare for the beginning of Lent.
Ash Wednesday liturgies will be held by each area of the school in our school's chapel, we invite families to join us to receive the ashes. Areas will communicate the times for their liturgies.
NAPLAN testing for grades 3 and 5 begins on March 14th to 24th, more details to come.
Bike Ed week
Bike Education week begins on March 17th (St. Patrick's Day) and concludes on March 21st with a Ride2School Day.
School Photos
School Photo day is on March 25th, all children wear their summer uniform for photos, not sports uniform.
Have a great week everyone
Patricia Boak