Middle School

Meet the Teacher
Parents and guardians of Year 7 students are invited to our Meet the Key Teacher evening, next Wednesday 26 February from 6:00pm - 7:30pm.
The evening will commence in The Farrall Centre with a general presentation about key processes in the Middle School and the learning partnership between school and home. This will include general information about the learning and pastoral care programs, support and extension, and making best use of the Library and access to other resources.
Following the whole group session in The Farrall Centre, parents and guardians will be invited to join their child’s Key Teacher in their Key Classroom for a more focused session on aspects of the curriculum, homework, routines and how parents and guardians can best support from home.
There will be an opportunity after these presentations to meet and talk with teachers and with other families. We hope you are able to join us and look forward to welcoming you next Wednesday.
Middle School House Colours Day!
Wednesday 6 March
The Student Voice Council will be running a House Colours Day. Accessorise your sports uniform with House Colours; with the Athletics carnival the next day, it’s a perfect time to create the perfect House outfit to show your pride!
We ask for a gold coin donation to participate, with all funds going to the Relay For Life Friendlies team. Best dressed wins a prize at our lunchtime catwalk!
Key Class Representative Positions
Applications for Key Class Representative positions for all Year 7 and 8 classes are open. Applications are due to Essie Hoggart and the students’ key teacher by 9am Monday 24 Februar. Please contact Essie if you have any questions.
Relay for Life 2025 – Sign Up With The Friendlies Team
This year’s Relay for Life will be held at the Domain Athletics Centre at the earlier dates of Saturday 29 and Sunday 30 March.
All students from Years 5-12 are invited to join our team and walk for an hour or more (between 1pm - 11pm Saturday and 6am - 9am Sunday) with team Friendlies to help raise money and awareness in support of the Cancer Council Tasmania.
Please register with our team 'Friendlies' here. More information will be shared by Operoo closer to the event. If you have any questions please contact Liesa.
NAPLAN - Years 3, 5, 7 and 9
For those families with students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9, NAPLAN assessments will be held in March. The NAPLAN assessments will be conducted online (with the exception of Year 3 Writing, which remains paper-based). The NAPLAN assessments in Primary, Middle and Senior Secondary School will take place between Wednesday 12 March and Monday 24 March.
Further information and specifics on the tests and timing will be provided to families with students in these year levels soon. In the meantime, more information for parents regarding Naplan Online can be found here Please contact John Hoggart for Year 7 questions.
Matilda The Musical Jnr - Donations for the Years 5-8 Musical
- Formal Shorts - We are still gratefully accepting grey formal shorts for the musical.
- Baby dolls - Having a toy clean out? We are after 12 baby dolls (roughly life size) and baby blankets.
- Dressing gowns - We require 8 women's dressing gowns for our ‘Miracle Mummas’. The fluffier/uglier, the better! Would be great if they zipped/buttoned at the front.
- Hanging racks and hangers- With over 100 students cast, we are also going to need A LOT of coat hangers and something to hang them on! We would very happily accept any new or used coat hangers, including skirt/trouser hangers, and portable hanging racks.
Please drop off to the Middle School office, marked for Essie Hoggart. Thank you!
Year 8 Connections
Excursion Dates are in the following class groupings:
Friday 28 February - Tuke and Preston
Students will head to Kingston Beach and have the opportunity to participate in volleyball, stand up paddle-boarding and swimming. Students will depart from school at 11am on their allocated date and return at the end of the school day.
Students need to bring: swimmers, rash vest, towel, water bottle, bucket hat, sunscreen, dry clothing and a waterproof bag. Wetsuits are optional. Any medications for asthma or allergies should be brought as well. A visit may occur to a nearby shop but students must bring a packed recess and lunch (no lunch orders on this day).
If your child will be absent from school for the day please advise the Middle School Office (phone: 6210 2235, or email: middleschooloffice@friends.tas.edu.au ). We appreciate your support in this process.
Important Dates:
Friday, 21 February - Year 8 Beach Day (Stowe & Knight)
Friday, 28 February - Year 8 Beach Day (Tuke & Preston)
Monday 24 February - Scholarship Applications Close
Monday 24 February - Key Class Representative Applications Close
Wednesday 26 February - Meet the Key Teacher (6pm to 7.30pm)
Monday 3 March - Beach & Bikes Day (Mott & Penn)
Wednesday 5 March - Beach & Bikes (Backhouse & Oats)
Wednesday 5th March - House Colours Day (accessorise your sports uniform for a gold coin donation!)
Thursday 6 March - Year 7 to 12 Athletics (Domain)
Friday 7 March - Beach & Bikes (Fry & Walker)
Monday 10 March - Eight Hour Holiday
Tuesday 11 March - SSATIS Athletics Carnival at Domain
Saturday 29 March - Relay for Life (Sign-up to Friendlies Team)