Wellbeing . . .

Mindful Monday

Mindful Mondays have started off our school year (and each week) well, with many students choosing to attend each  Monday at 2pm. Our students love to come in for some quiet, peaceful time to focus simply on themselves. They have enjoyed some active mindfulness and some restful mindfulness where they are able to focus on the present moment.


Kim continues to volunteer to facilitate Mindful Monday for the year 1 and 2 students in the Wellbeing room and Julie will continue to facilitate the mindfulness for the year 3 - 6 students in the library. Kim and Julie love participating in Mindful Mondays as much as our students do!


Thrilling Thursday

Students from Lalor North Secondary College have started facilitating activities for Thrilling Thursdays for Lalor East Primary School. They coordinate organised games for our students to play at recess time from 1:45pm to 2:15pm every Thursday this term. Many students have already joined in on the fun!

CALM Youth

A new program called CALM Youth is coming to Lalor East for a 4 week program. This program is for students in years 5 & 6 only. 

C - Composed

A - Ambitions

L -  Leaders

M - Mentality

The program hopes to instill ethics in athletes within the current physical education program.


'Free to Be Me' Spaces and Play Leader Project

Selected student leaders from years 5 & 6 will participate in a project called 'Free to Be Me'. These students will work with Linda & Julie to look at the spaces and play areas around our school. Students will aim to create an environment where children can be free to be whoever they are without the restriction of gender stereotypes.