Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Garden Helpers

We always encourage parents, grandparents, and carers to help with the kitchen garden program. We require you to have a current Working with Children's Check and sign in at the office. Volunteer WWC Checks can be obtained online, free of charge. Program times and dates for this term are still to be decided, and I will update everyone when we know this. Helpers from any year level can assist, and if you have little ones, they can come along as long as they are not disruptive to class learning. Please contact Allesha via email if you are interested in helping: 


Term 1 Kitchen Garden dates - 4S

Monday 24th February12:50 - 1:50pm
Monday 3rd March12:50 - 1:50pm
Wednesday 12th March12:50 - 1:50pm
All sessions above are gardening sessions, with one cooking session date to be confirmed.


Spare jars

If you have any spare jars suitable to re-use for preserve making, the Kitchen Garden would love to top up supplies (see the image for details). Drop off to the office or place into the collection basket in the staff room. 


If you have any spare small plastic plant pots or punnets, the Kitchen Garden will use them for projects in their program. Drop off to the office for Allesha to collect. 



We've had a bumper season in the vegetable garden, with lots of excess produce used to make some delicious homemade preserves. The current batch includes Tomato Relish, Zucchini Pickle, Pickled Sliced Beetroot and Rhubarb and Raspberry Jam.  If you want to purchase some, pop into the office and the staff will help you. 


Garden Produce

We regularly set up the garden market cart or offer mixed seasonal garden boxes with all of the beautiful produce we grow in the Kitchen Garden program to share and sell to our school community. Keep an eye out on SeeSaw or Compass for updates when we have these available. 



Follow the journey of the Warrnambool East Primary School Kitchen Garden on Instagram weps_kitchengarden