Community News

Prep Home Visits

Prep home visits are one of our highlights as Prep teachers. Each Wednesday, we have the opportunity to visit our students in their home environment. During this time, we play and engage with them in a relaxed setting. It’s a wonderful way to connect, share some fun, and see what our students love to do in their own space. These visits help us build strong, trusting relationships, supporting our students’ transition into school life.  


Year 11's are celebrated with 2024 Academic Achievement Awards

It was great to bring the current Year 12's together to celebrate their 2024 Academic Achievement Awards (which were missed the first week of school when they were on camp). Speeches were made by Secondary Principal Dr. Chris Prior on loving your neighbour and establishing strong connections between parents, peers and teachers to deliver academic success and Godly character. We also heard from Head of Secondary, James Kearney encouraging this cohort to "Aim Up", "Establish Trust" and "Show Gratitude." These themes which will be encouraged throughout the year will be echoed by the parents and friends who were in attendance at the Year Level Assembly. 


We are very thankful to God for the gifts he has given these students in a variety of different learning areas. Today we recognise the hard work and effort put into achieving great results in their learning. Well done to all involved.

Open Day is coming

Mark your calendars for Saturday 1 March when our first Open Day of the year kicks off! This is a great opportunity to invite friends and family who are thinking of enrolling at PVCC. 


Open Day registration | Plenty Valley Christian College


They will enjoy touring the college, hearing from our principals, meeting the students, learning about our comprehensive curriculum that integrates faith and learning and experiencing the warm and welcoming community that makes Plenty Valley Christian College a second home for our students.