Senior School 


Hello and welcome to all Year 10, 11 and 12 students, parents and carers to the Koonung Secondary College Senior School for 2025. Already two weeks into the year, it is clear that the students have made a positive start with their learning that establishes the foundations for success. 


Firstly, I would like to introduce our team for this year. My name is Chris McKay and will be the Head of Senior School for 2025. Glenda Hanslow will continue as Year 12 coordinator, the Year 11 coordinator is Nikita Natsis, Alistair Tuffnell leads the Year 10 students while Mia Poulton and Peter Scott (on leave in Term 1) will be assistant coordinators. All these leaders bring a wealth of knowledge, understanding and dedication to their roles which provides vital support to both students and parents/carers. Our Senior School administrator is Allana Edgell.  Allana plays an instrumental role in supporting the operations within the senior school and is often the first point of contact for students or families. 


Koonung Secondary College prides itself on academic rigour but also on giving a well-rounded education to our students in a safe environment. It is our role to uphold high expectations around behaviour and attendance, as well as foster a positive culture that will enable students to thrive in their final years of secondary education. 


There is much anticipation for what lies ahead this year. Whether it is to see our Year 10s trying out subjects and courses before choosing their VCE subjects for next year, our Year 11s adopting a VCE mindset and knuckling down to gain the vital fundamental knowledge required for their Unit 3/4 subjects or, our Year 12s embracing the most crucial year of their schooling lives. This includes studying hard, supporting friends and making the most of the busy year to set themselves up for their futures. Additionally, there are a range of exciting events  such as sports carnivals, formals, BBQs, valedictory dinners, camps, excursions, activities and whole school assemblies. Please use the compass newsfeed and the newsletter to keep across all this critical information. 


Thank you to everyone who attended the Senior School Information Evening on Tuesday night. Hopefully any questions about the VCE processes, academic expectations and ways to support senior students were answered; please reach out if anything remains unclear. The PowerPoint presentation can be accessed below:



Senior School Team

The 2025 Senior School team is your primary contact for you regarding any  matters relating to your child in Years 10-12. 

  • Chris McKay – Head of Senior School 
  • Allana Edgell – Senior School Administrator
  • Alistair Tuffnell – Year 10 Coordinator
  • Nikita Natsis – Year 11 Coordinator
  • Glenda Hanslow – Year 12 Coordinator
  • Mia Poulton - Senior School Assistant Coordinator
  • Peter Scott – Senior School Assistant Coordinator 


Chris McKay 

Head of Senior School