School Information

Administration Office
Office hours are: 8:00am - 4:00pm
Telephone: (03) 9890 9662
Parents should always make contact with the appropriate Sub School Office first when visiting the school or trying to make contact with their children. Please email staff directly if you want to make an appointment with them.
To notify the College of a student absence, please log into Compass and record the absence under the Attendance tab. Alternatively, please call the College and press 1 (Middle Years administration) to notify an absence for a student in Years 7-9 or press 2 (Senior School administration) to notify an absence for a student in Years 10-12.
The College has a legal obligation to monitor and record student absences and attendance. Failure to provide approval for an absence may impact VISA conditions, VCE conditions and Centrelink payments.
Early leavers require parent/carer approval or acknowledgement. Approvals for early leavers from school can be completed either online (through the Compass Parent Portal) or by handing in a written letter of approval to your sub school office at the beginning of the day.
Students must sign out at their sub school prior to leaving the school grounds.
Electronic rolls are kept in all classes. Students who arrive late to school are required to sign-in at their sub school and then immediately go to class.
All late arrivals require parent/carer approval or acknowledgement. Approvals for late arrival to school can be completed either online (through the Compass Parent Portal) or by handing in a written letter of approval to your sub school office. SMS notifications may be sent to parents when a student arrives late to school.
Please ensure all school clothes, books and personal property are clearly labelled with the student’s name. Many items are not returned to their rightful owners because they are not labelled correctly or clearly.
USBs should include a folder with the student’s name and form to assist in returning it to the correct person. If you have lost anything please check with your subschool office during recess, lunch or end of day.
The canteen is open every day from 8am. To avoid disappointment and the possibility of long queues, students are encouraged to place lunch orders at the start of the day or recess or log onto their online ordering account via