Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Deb McDouall
Religious Education Coordinator
Religious Education & Pastoral Care
Mrs Deb McDouall
Religious Education Coordinator
A big welcome to you all,to our 2025 school year.
This is a special year in the Catholic Church as it is a year of Jubilee, only occurring every 25 years. Pope Francis has declared the theme “Pilgrims of Hope.” As His Holiness Pope Francis so beautifully expressed it: "We must fan the flame of hope that has been given us, and help everyone to gain new strength and certainty by looking to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and far-sighted vision." ...“Let us get up, therefore, and set out as pilgrims of hope, because, just as Mary did with Saint Elizabeth, we too can bring news of joy, generate new life and be artisans of brotherhood and peace.”
20 Mar 2024
School Masses
We share our Parish Priest, Fr John Curran, with the parish of St Michael's Manilla.
Each class takes turns in helping to prepare and lead the school mass celebration with the readings and hymns. Our school masses for Term 1 are listed below for your information. Everyone is most welcome to join us for these celebrations and our young people love to see family members and friends at our masses!
For our young people who are Catholic, we run Sacramental preparation programs within the school year. These are completed within class times.
First Reconciliation - Wednesday, 26th March at 3.45pm (for those in year 2)
First Holy Communion - Sunday, 22nd June at 9am (for those in year 3)
More information will be sent out in the future.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions.
May God continue to bless us all as we journey the year ahead as the community of St Joseph's School.