Year 4/5/6

We've had an amazing start to the year! 🎉
In Maths, we've been diving into place value and exploring numbers up to a million.
In English, we're captivated by our class novel, Warhorse by Michael Morpurgo and have kicked off the exciting new OCHRE literacy program.
Our Science lessons have been fascinating as we explore the living world and the incredible adaptations of living things. This week, we conducted a super fun experiment to test the importance of opposable thumbs. Plus, we combined Science with Art, where students let their imaginations run wild, sketching what humans might look like in a million years—some truly creative designs!
In HSIE, students have been on a journey researching Indigenous groups from around the world. In PDHPE and our kitchen garden program, the students have been busy planting potatoes, carrots, peas, sunflowers, and a variety of other veggies and herbs. Run Club has been a huge hit, with most students aiming to run 5 km by the end of the week. In Religion, we've been learning about the land of Israel and deepening our relationship with God through prayer.
MA2-4NA: Reads, writes, orders and compares numbers to 1000 000;
MA3-4NA: Orders and compares numbers beyond 1 000 000
ST2-10LW: Describes how living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment;
ST3-10LW: Describes how living things have structural features and adaptations that help them to survive in their environment
EN2-1A: Communicates in a range of informal and formal situations;
EN3-1A: Communicates in a range of informal and formal situations
PD2-10: Participates in activities that promote healthy eating;
PD3-10: Participates in activities that promote healthy eating