Library News

Welcome to the library! 

A big welcome to the 2025 school year from the library. We hope everyone had an enjoyable summer break and found some time for reading. 

Viewbank College Library is a community space where students can come together to read, relax, access information, share ideas and learn. 


The library space is arranged to accommodate a range of activities and includes a comfortable lounge-style reading area, a teaching/meeting space, a study room and a student printer/photocopier. The library is centrally located, with the Middle and Senior Schools, Wellbeing Centre, International Student Program and Careers Office all close by.  

There is an IT helpdesk in the library at breaktimes. 


The library is open during breaks and before school as a place for students to read, learn and socialise. The library is usually open to students after school, but closes when in use for meetings/events. The College Study Hall (Homework Club) runs after school on Tuesdays. 


Our Collection 

We have a high-quality collection, incorporating contemporary and classic fiction (including eBooks), popular autobiographies, magazines, graphic novels and manga and non-fiction books across a range of subjects. 

In building the library collection we focus on high-quality, relevant materials that reflect the diverse interests of the school community. Student input into the collection is actively encouraged. 

The library website is regularly updated with library news, book recommendations, reviews and activity ideas, and provides access to online research resources and guides to support information skills and learning.  


Library Activities and Events 

The library aims to foster a lifelong love of reading and learning. To support this, we run activities and events throughout the year, including: 

  • A student volunteer program 
  • Book Club 
  • Annual bookmark design competition, writing competitions, Golden Ticket book review challenge and the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge 
  • Support for community and College events through library displays and projects 
  • Book Week celebrations 

During breaktimes on Tuesdays and Thursdays the library is tech-free (unless students are completing schoolwork).  A range of board games, puzzles and drawing materials are available at the library desk. 



The Library Team (Chloe and Jordan)