Middle School Update.

Middle School Update
Well done to all our Year 7, 8 and 9 students and families who have made a successful transition back to school for 2025.
Next Tuesday is the first lesson of Launch.
In 2025, Year 7 students and Year 8 students will be in Launch classes amongst peers from their year level and House. We have listened to and actioned feedback from our community about ways we can adjust the structure and curriculum within our Launch Program.
Launch is a vital part of our school curriculum which provide an opportunity for students to develop connections with each other and the school community. It is a key pillar in our whole-school Social & Emotional learning curriculum, with lessons at each level that build on the skills taught in previous years. Attached to this post is the summary of all our Social & Emotional curriculum programs throughout the school.
For Years 7s in Term 1, the focus within Launch is to build connections with their peers through lessons on ‘My Community’ and Peer Support, a program which is run by our Year 10 students.
For Year 8s in Term 1, the focus in Launch is to continue to build connections with their peers through ‘My Community’ and Respectful Relationships lessons.
Year 9 provides a greater scope of subject offerings for all students, and the ability for students to begin to choose their own pathway. With feedback from our community, including parents/carers, teachers and students, we have made some structural and curriculum-based changes to the Year 9 Social & Emotional Learning programs.
This year, all Year 9s will be completing a yearlong subject called ‘LEAD’.
LEAD stands for Learn, Explore, Appreciate and Develop a Better Melbourne.
In previous years, this program was the LEAD City-based experience where students answered an inquiry question in groups. This important program remains a part of LEAD, but this year we have increased the opportunity for students to work on this project and included more time for students to complete a Passion Project.
Students have chosen which Passion Project they wish to be a part of for Semester 1, which ensures we are listening to the students’ voice, and they have agency over their learning. Attached to this post is the summary of all our Social & Emotional curriculum programs throughout the school, and where LEAD fits in.
All Year 9 students about received information about VCE acceleration.
We follow a rigorous and equitable process to enable some students to complete one VCE subject a year early in Year 10. Refer to the PPT posted on Compass for further information.
If you wish to have a better understanding of the curriculum and learning progressions within either Launch or LEAD, refer to Compass post from me.
If you want any further information, please either contact me, Penelope Cleghorn, or Peter Francey (Middle School Student Outcomes and Engagement Leader).
Penelope Cleghorn