From the Principal Class

Dear Viewbank College Community, 

Welcome back to the 2025 school year! 

After a very successful 2024, we are continuing to build on those successes and provide the best possible outcomes for all our students - academic, interpersonal and wellbeing. 

We continue to have very high expectations of all students to engage in their learning to the best of their ability. 

Academic emphasis continues to be a priority, with data showing that the majority of our Class of 2024 have successfully gained places in further study.  


Last year, students completed the Vocational Major (VM) at Viewbank, the first time an applied learning pathway has been offered at the College. This is a recognition that not all learners learn the same way, with the VM offering a valid pathway to employment, apprenticeship or further education. 


The College also takes a wholistic view to educating our young people and have made some changes to our House Structure (Year 10 now part of Senior School) - see next page and our very important Social and Emotional learning and pathways programs (see flier on Middle School Update page). These changes have been made in response to student feedback. 

If we are to fully equip our students to be active, informed and socially able young adults, these offerings are critical. Please ensure your student is attending school and meeting assessment requirements. 

College Uniform and Mobile Phone Policy 

A friendly reminder that we continue to be a school with a uniform policy. 

This policy is the result of consultation at College Council and is revisited regularly. 

Your parent representatives set the policy, and I believe that it has been successfully adapted in recent years to meet the needs of students based on their feedback.  

Please see the full policy in the back of this newsletter with examples of footwear. 

We appreciate your support in ensuring our school culture represents pride in being a member of our community. 

The correct wearing of uniform is an indication of that pride in self and community. 


Mobile phone policy is mandated by the State Government and is law. 

Simply, phones must be stored in lockers from the beginning of the day until the end of the school day (with a few exemptions for health reasons).  

If your student wishes to purchase lunch, they will need to bring cash or a debit card. 

No mobile payments will be accepted at the canteen.  

House Swimming Carnival

Our first whole school event took place this week, with our swimming carnival at Boroondara Aquatic Centre. Despite the lower attendance than usual due to the hot weather, the day was a huge success. 

High rates of participation in the pool, diving and water polo events were a highlight. 

Please see the Sports News page for results.

Secrets to Success

Our Year 12 cohort began the year at La Trobe Uni, unlocking the secrets to success through guest speakers and activities. 

Topics included motivation, study skills and strategies, safe partying and tertiary options. 

I know every participant took something from the two days to support them navigating this important year. 

Upcoming events

There are a number of events in the next few weeks that I would like to draw your attention to: 

  • Year 7 Instrumental Music evening (Monday 10/2) - a great opportunity to engage with one of our biggest and most successful programs. Learning an instrument is a wonderful way to connect with other students, perform and learn an important skill that connects with academic learning. 
  • Our VCE Information Evening for parents (Wednesday 12/2) - information regarding your student’s journey through VCE and how parents can best support their student through this important time. 
  • Class of 24 Celebration Assembly (Tuesday 18/2) - celebrating the efforts of our top performing students from last year and inspiring our current VCE students to reach greater heights in their study. 
  • Year 12 Parent breakfast (Friday 21/2) - opportunity to meet the Senior School Team and teachers and connect with other parents at an informal, light breakfast. 
  • Year 7 camp (week of 24/2) - our most important transition camp, designed to create connections with peers and teachers and build confidence as a new student at Viewbank. 

See the calendar for more upcoming events. 


Student accident insurance, ambulance cover arrangements and private property brought to the College

The Department does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. 

Parents/carers of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs. 

 It is the responsibility of parents/carers to look into their preferred options in this regard. The Department cannot provide advice to parents/carers on the purchase of individual student accident policy or ambulance cover.

Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage.

This can include mobile phones, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. As the Department does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property, students and staff should be discouraged from bringing any unnecessary or particularly valuable items to school.  

Please note:

  • Parents or guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transport as well as any other transport costs; and
  • Parents or guardians can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers.

Viewbank College - School Council Elections - Call for parent and student nominations - applications close 4pm Thursday 20th February, 2025

At this time of the year, we are required to call for nominations for places on the Viewbank College School Council.  

This is quite a commitment of time, but an invaluable experience and opportunity to contribute to all aspects of the educational program at the College as well as its governance.


The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for College Council will take place on Wednesday 19th March, 2025 at 6.30pm.  This is to celebrate the achievements of 2024 and to set our course for 2025.

However, before that date, the College needs to hold College Council elections as there are councillors who will be completing their elected two-year cycle.


I encourage any members of the community to nominate.


The College Councillors whose term is about to conclude are:


Parent Members:

  • Houwaida Ayoub
  • Alice Sun

Call for Nominations:

The College Council Election process began on Wednesday 5th February, 2025 with the Notice of Election and Call for Nominations for the period of March 2025 - March 2027 for parents and the period March 2025 – March 2026 for students.  Due to the time commitment and volume of information - student nominations are open to students in Years 10-12. 


Attached below are the relevant documents.



If you are interested, please complete the relevant nomination form and prepare a simple candidate statement (no more than 150 words) and return to Deanne Ioannidis at the College, no later than 4pm, Thursday 20th February, 2025.

(Please note: late applications and applications without candidate statements will not be accepted).

Translations of these schedules in five community languages (Arabic, Dari, Traditional and Simplified Chinese and Vietnamese) can be found in the School Policy and Advisory Guide at: elections: translated documents and support materials. 


Candidate Statement Information:

Candidates are to prepare a brief statement to be distributed with the ballot.

This allows each electorate to gain some background about the people standing for election.

It is suggested that it be no more than 150 words.

A statement from a candidate may include information about their:

  • work experience, including voluntary work
  • academic and professional qualifications, if applicable
  • skills and abilities including those that may be useful to the council (e.g. accounting, contract management, fundraising, organising events, etc.)
  • previous and current involvement with the school, and school council including subcommittees of school council
  • reasons for standing for election
  • interests and hobbies.

School Photo Ordering

School photos were taken on Wednesday 5th February, 2025. 

Any student who was absent on Wednesday - there will be a photo catch up day on Friday 14th February from 12.30pm - 2.00pm.

School photos are now available for purchase via Compass.




Sharon Grimes, Principal

Emma Ford, Assistant Principal

Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal

Anna Crosswhite, Assistant Principal

Penelope Cleghorn, Assistant Principal