General College Information

Study Hall (Homework Club)

Students - how would you like to have the opportunity to discuss your learning or gain support for completing your work in your subjects?

All Year 7-10 students are invited to attend the College Library and Year 11 and 12 students to the VCE Centre on Tuesday, 3.30pm - 5.00pm to get learning support and undertake independent or small study group work.

The intention is for students to have access to support from the range of teachers working in Study Hall.

As well, the Study Hall time in the Library is a place when you could make a time in advance to meet with your teacher for tuition in a particular subject.

As this is a new initiative for the College it is hoped that all students who would appreciate a space to undertake study or an opportunity to receive support from teachers or peers will attend - you will be made most welcome.

Viewbank College Uniform Suppliers

Noone Imagewear

is located at 283 Lower Heidelberg Road, East Ivanhoe 9499 1439.

Opening hours Mon to Fri 9-5 pm and Sat 9-1pm.


Bob Stewart

Our shop is at 5 Janefield Drive, Bundoora. Telephone: 9036 7385


Opening hours Monday to Thursday 9am - 5pm and Saturday 9.30am - 12.30pm


We look forward to helping you get the correct uniform so your child can start school with confidence.

Viewbank College - Buy, Swap and Sell facebook page 

There is a facebook page (see below link) set up by parents where you can buy, swap and sell pre loved College uniform and books.

Lost Property

A reminder to please ensure student's items are labelled with their name so that lost property items can be easily returned to students.

The General Office lost property cupboard is filled with items that do not have names on them and unfortunately we do not have the space to keep them.  Unclaimed and unnamed school items get donated to welfare and other non school items get donated to a charity bin after 2 weeks.


Viewbank College Building Fund

The College would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank those families who have already contributed to the Building Fund this year.


How will your donation assist the College?

The College has a Master Plan for building works with the focus on creating more usable spaces for our students.  Your generous donation will contribute greatly to this.In the past Building Fund donations have supported various improvements throughout the school such as the installation of heating/cooling, external painting and upgrades to learning spaces.

Another exciting opportunity is the development of our VCE Study Centre, to provide our Year 12 students with a purpose-built space to study, gather and collaborate in their final year at the College. 

The end of financial year is fast approaching, if you would like to take the opportunity to make a taxable deduction donation to our Building Fund, please click the Donate Now button below

All donations big or small are tax-deductible!