
SPORT 2024 – that’s a wrap!
Brentwood has had an outstanding year in sports and participation within the School Sport Victoria program. We consistently see a high level of interest from students eager to get involved, whether as a team member, student coach, or student leader.
This success would not be possible without the dedication of the staff at Brentwood, who generously give up their time to coach and manage teams. Their commitment allows us to enjoy the friendly competition that the Monash Division offers.
We had some amazing sporting highlights this year, including Brentwood claiming eight new State Titles:
· Senior Boys Baseball
· Senior Girls Table Tennis
· Jordan Gilbert (Athletics – 100m, 200m, 400m)
· Amelia Winbanks (Diving)
· Natasha Winbanks (Diving)
· Harold Xu (Swimming)
The Senior Boys Netball team and Year 7 Girls Softball team were both State Runners Up. The Brentwood Athletics team are the EMR Champions and Brentwood were again the Monash Division Champions in Swimming and Athletics. Well done, Brentwood!
We are proud of the students at Brentwood, and they represent us in the best way possible, as good sports!
Recently, State Member for Glen Waverley District, John Mullahy MP had the opportunity to highlight notable community achievements in speeches to the Legislative Assembly at the Parliament of Victoria. He chose to celebrate the success of Brentwood’s Senior Girls Table Tennis team who are the 2024 State Champions. Below is an extract from the Victorian Parliamentary Debates HANSARD Members Statement on September 11, 2024.
“The sporting prowess of the Glen Waverley district knows no bounds. Recently the senior girls table tennis team at Brentwood Secondary College brought home the gold medal at the state school Victorian championships. This is a simply outstanding effort, and I pass on my congratulations to everyone involved.”
This acknowledgment truly recognises the time and effort that all the staff at Brentwood volunteer, enabling our students to compete and be part of a team. Their dedication makes a significant difference in providing these valuable opportunities as a student at Brentwood.
TeamVic 2025
School Sport Victoria will once again be offering the opportunity for students with emerging talent to register to trial for School Sport Victoria Team Vic State Teams in 2025. Brentwood SC is affiliated with SSV.
Trials are not Come ‘n’ Try opportunities. They are a process for selecting a Team Vic State Team to represent Victoria at School Sport Australia Championships. For further information visit
Brentwood’s team uniforms are being taken hostage!
We have noticed that some of the numbered team tops worn on sports days have not been returned after competitions. We kindly ask for these uniforms to be returned so that future teams can use them. Parents, please check your child’s cupboards, drawers, and even under their beds for Brentwood football jumpers, soccer/hockey tops, athletics singlets, basketball tops, and socks. All items can be returned anonymously to the main office.
As we hand over the Director of Sport role to Mr. George Bouios and Mr. Jason Louey, we are confident that Brentwood will continue to thrive and achieve success in the future.
Enjoy the well-deserved break, everyone! It’s been a fantastic year, and we’re excited for what lies ahead.
See you all in 2025!
Kim Nash & Sarah Swilks
2024 Directors of Sport
PE Footwear Reminder
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This is a reminder that students should be wearing appropriate footwear to PE classes. Students should be wearing sports runners with adequate grip on the bottom of their shoes. PE classes are completed on a wide range of surfaces including, but not limited to, gym floor, asphalt and grass, also in a variety of weather conditions.
Shoes should be worn that allow students to participate safely across all terrain. PE staff make decisions on a daily basis, whether it is safe to complete classes, students need to wear shoes that are appropriate for all scenarios. If shoes are deemed inappropriate, students may be unable to participate. Students should not be wearing street or lifestyle runners to class as these shoes do not provide adequate grip and support.
Please see below images for shoes that are appropriate for PE classes and those that are not appropriate for PE classes.
Kind regards,
Meg Wrench Joseph
Head of Health and Physical Education
Competition Sports Uniform
With interschool sport competitions, some teams must wear sports tops with numbers and special-coloured sports socks. Brentwood provides these tops and socks. However, sometimes students wear these tops/socks home instead of handing them back to the teacher in charge at the end of the day. So, as you spring clean or change your bedroom layout during the term break, keep an eye out for any missing Brentwood Sport Specialised team uniforms. So, drop them off to the main office or the PE staffroom when you return. No questions asked!
We are hoping for Brentwood AFL jumpers, Soccer/Hockey/Volleyball/Basketball numbered tops, and navy long socks to be found and returned!
Kim Nash & Sarah Swilks
Directors of Sport
Please find a photo below for reference:
Brentwood School Sports
Brentwood competes in the School Sport Victoria (SSV) program. We are a successful school due to the commitment of students and staff to the program.
Staff volunteer their time to provide opportunities to the students to get involved.
Students can learn new skills, develop tactical thinking within a competitive environment, meet new friends, build rapport with staff outside the classroom, demonstrate leadership skills through student coaching, display good sportsmanship no matter what the outcome, and most of all students can grow as a person.
Brentwood look the part when we go out to compete. When we arrive at a competition, other schools know exactly who we are; as we arrive as a team and we look like a team. Students wear our sports uniform with pride.
We have a strict uniform policy. If you are part of a Brentwood team you look like a Brentwood student. We wear our sport uniform: Brentwood polo, Brentwood navy shorts, Brentwood navy track pants, Brentwood rugby jumper, Brentwood jacket, Brentwood hat, white socks, and appropriate footwear. We do not wear casual clothing or other teams clothing. We represent Brentwood.
We enter teams into all SSV competitions and compete within the Monash Division.
Our local competition come from Wheelers Hill Secondary College, South Oakleigh College, Wellington Secondary College and John Monash Science School.
Winning teams then progress to the Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR) round robin competitions, and successful teams from EMR compete at the SSV State Championships.
Communication is via the Compass portal. Consent and payment for events must be completed via compass. Consent must be finalized by 11.59pm two school days prior to the event/excursion. If a student does not have consent and payment is not complete before this time, they will not be permitted to attend. Unfortunately, some students do miss out.
We also like to celebrate student sporting achievement. We would love to hear about your child’s super special milestones and achievements in their chosen sport. A quick email is all that it takes :
I do hope that you encourage your child to try a new sport through the many opportunities at Brentwood to get involved. Even if they do not make a team, they have learnt new skills and developed abilities during the selection trials and trainings.
We also love to have supportive parents attend sporting events.
So feel free to come along and cheer on Brentwood throughout the year.
Kim Nash & Sarah Swilks
2024 Directors of Sport
PE uniform reminders:
Below are some PE uniform reminders:
- Years 7 – 9 may wear their PE uniform all day on days in which they have PE. This is made known to students by having GYM1, GYM2, GYM3 etc. for their “room” location. On days where students have Health, they are required to be in their academic uniform.
- Year 10 students may only wear PE uniform if they are completing either PE elective (Enhanced PE or Sports Science) on the days their teacher has selected for them to complete their practical classes for the week. Students will be given uniform pass cards from their teacher which will list what days these practical classes are on. Students are to carry these card at all times. If a student is in PE uniform on a day that a practical class is not on or cannot present their card then they will receive a uniform chronicle.
- Year 11 and 12 students are to change into and out of their PE uniforms for periods that they have a practical class. If students have PE in period 1 they are allowed to come to school in their PE uniform and will change at the end of this period. If students have PE in period 5 they will need to change at lunch time and are permitted to leave school in their PE uniforms. If students have practical classes in period 2, 3 or 4 then they must be changing in and out of their uniforms during that classtime. If a year 11 or year 12 student comes to class in their PE uniform and they do not have a practical class in that period then they will receive a uniform chronicle.
- PE uniform items can be purchased here -
Kind regards,
Meg Wrench Joseph
Head of Health and PE