Visual Art News

Well here we finally are. The final Visual Art newsletter for the year and my final newsletter for quite some time (maybe ever); with my move to Singapore getting closer every day!
It's been a massive week, a massive term, a pretty huge year and an UTTERLY BRILLIANT four years in the art room. We have worked so hard together to develop some really solid "Growth Mindset" skills and habits and your unbelievably beautiful children have made the journey a huge delight.
With the beautiful pavers for our "Wominjeka" sign all done and dusted, we have been free to really charge on with our exciting Growth Mindset Tree mural project. We had a few setbacks this week, but we took a huge breath and the grades three to six students devised a logical plan of attack to get the mural finished and we made it happen.
A special thank you must go to Dulux Merrifield for the donation of a huge amount of paint and equipment for the mural project
Getting this ready...
. Thanks also to CWA Macedon Moonlighters for a donation of funds to go towards the mural.
Each student in the school has been involved in the mural, adding their own special touch. Even the Foundation children added a little flower in the grass.
A highlight for me has been seeing the grade six students writing a word or phrase on a leaf that represents their favourite Growth Mindset behaviour. I've been so impressed with their well-considered and mature choices.
Have a look at the pictures of their amazing work! What a beautiful legacy for every one of our students to be so proud of, into the future. Well done kids!
In closing, I would like to take a moment to thank the awesome staff, the wonderful parents and the truly remarkable children of the Macedon Primary School community.
I can say, without hesitation, that my years here have been the greatest highlight of my thirty-two year teaching career.
The kindness I have been shown, the overwhelming support I have had for my unique approach to art education and the friendships I have made; both with staff and parents have all worked to create incredible memories that I will treasure and never forget.
Thank you so much for being such a wonderful part of this beautiful, sparkly four years of fun. My dream job has been just that; a total dream.
Ginny Tulloch
Visual Art Specialist Teacher