Be a Blessing and Pray

Prayer and Praise Points

As a school we like to pray for both our school and the wider community.


You are invited to join with others in our community in prayer, each Friday afternoon at 2:30pm. Come to the school office and one of our friendly team will direct you to where we are meeting.


We would love for you to join us in praying for the following:

Praise Points:

  • A wonderful start to the 2025 school year

  • New students and families commencing today

Prayer Points:

  • New students, and their families, as they begin their schooling journey at DCS
  • CEN schools around Australia as they have commenced over the past few weeks

Local Churches:

  • C3 Church Devonport - Pastors Brian & Sharon Webber
  • Devonport Anglican Church - Reverend Matt

CEN Tasmanian Schools:

  • Calvin Christian School

Our Wider CEN Community:

  • Wycliffe Christian School, Warrimoo NSW
  • Wellington Christian School, Wellington NSW