Learning Diversity

Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Dance Club | Gardening Club | Lego Club | Toy car club | Cards Club |
Welcome back !
As we embark on another fun filled year at St Bede's I wanted to tell you all about the lunchtime clubs we have on offer.
Lunchtime clubs are open to all students and serve as an alternative play setting during the first half of each lunchtime.
Lunchtime clubs are supervised by teachers and/or LSO's and also provide an excellent opportunity for children to practice and acquire social and social language skills in a supported small group setting.
As well as the clubs listed on our timetable, Mr Grace also supervises a Minecraft club each week (very popular!) and a group of Year 4 students have also created their own 'comic book' club which is open to all on the Junior school verandah each lunchtime!
We will share some photos from our lunchtime clubs as the year progresses!
Amanda Martin
Deputy Principal/Learning Diversity Leader