From the Principal

Welcome back to the 2025 school year!
What a wonderful start! The students in Yrs 1-6 returned to school on Wednesday and our Prep/Foundation students commenced today. There was a lot of buzz and excitement on both days. It is always special to see parents and grandparents and other family members with the student. I noticed there was a lot of photos taken!!!!!
We welcome all the new families who are commencing at St Bedes this year. It is wonderful to have you join our special community. On a personal note, it is also great to commence the school year with all the parents, students and teachers.
It hasn't taken long for our Prep/Foundation students to commence their learning!!!!
We also say a big welcome to our new staff members for 2025.
Don O’Conchuir is our Yr 5 teacher . He is easy to recognise with his Irish accent. Don is an experienced teacher who is able to build strong rapport with students
Clare Flood is our STEM teacher. She comes to our school with a wealth of experience both as a classroom and STEM teacher. We are extremely lucky to have Clare on staff.
When you see them out and about please say hi and make them feel welcome.
Beginning of school Mass
Next Friday, Feb 7th, will be our Opening School Mass for 2025. Our leaders will be presented with their badges at this mass. Following the mass there will be a morning tea in the Jarrow room. Mass will commence at 9.15am All parents are welcome. It will also be our Preps first mass.
Please check the calendar for this terms important dates. There is alot happening during First Term so please put them into your diary.
Parent communication
Class email lists as well as a "parent 2025" list have now been created and hopefully you will have received the newsletters via this email group. If you hear of anyone who has said "I didn't receive the newsletter" please tell them to contact the office. For the existing parents, if your email address has changed since last year can you please also contact the office.
Futher information regarding how to access Operoo etc will be provided shortly once our system is uploaded.
Principal Appointment Process
As you are aware I will be leaving St Bedes at the end of Feb. I have accepted a new challenge working with MACS as a Senior Manager - School Leadership. The process to find a new principal has commenced. The postion has been advertised and a panel has been formed. I will keep you informed.
Thank you for a great start to the year!! Remember if you ever need anything don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher
Have a great week