Term 1
7th February - 2025 Welcome Mass (9:15am) - Morning Tea
17th-21st February Yr 5/6 Camp Canberra
6th and 7th March -Getting to know you meetings
5th March - Ash Wednesday Mass (9:15am)
2nd April Whole School Athletics Day- Doncaster Athletics Track
4th April Term 1 finishes 1pm
Term 2
23rd May - St Bede's Feast Day Mass (9:15am)
4th June - Sacrament of Reconciliation - Year 3 (6:00pm)
Term 3
9th August - Sacrament of First Eucharist (5:30pm)
16th August - Sacrament of First Eucharist (5:30pm)
Term 4
21st October - Sacrament of Confirmation (6pm)
15th November - 2026 Prep Welcome Mass (5:30pm)
11th December - Graduation Mass (6:00pm)