From the Principal's Desk
Welcome to Week 9, Term 4!
What a great community event to celebrate the end of the year. A big thanks to the P&C and all parents that assisted in some way to make the afternoon a success. Students were well entertained by the activities provided and the fireworks were a great way to finish the night. Certainly, makes you proud to be part of the wonderful Martin's Gully school community.
This Friday we have our Celebration of Learning Assembly. Here we recognise the achievements of students with the major class awards. The P&C also donate a book to all students in Kindergarten to Year 2 and we finish with presenting Year 6 students with their graduation certificates. Our primary and infant choirs will perform.
The assembly will start at 10.00am and should be finished no later than 11.30am.
Students in Years 3-6 must wear their formal uniform - ties available for loan from the office. Students in K-2 may wear their summer uniform.
Student Academic Reports
Student academic reports were made available through COMPASS for all students this morning.
Classes for 2025
I can inform parents that the teachers on each class next year are:
Kindergarten - Mrs Pennington
K/1 Magpies - Mrs McCathie and Mrs Corcoran
2 Possums - Mr Annetts
3/4 Bilbies - Mrs Dunham
3/4 Wombats - Mrs Townsend
5/6 Emus - Mrs Bull
5/6 Dingoes - Mrs Deiderick
Learning and Support/RFF Teachers - Miss Randall, Mrs Killen, Mrs Williams
Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction - Mrs Polson
Whole school pool day
A reminder that next Tuesday 17th December all students will have the opportunity to go to the pool as part of our end of year celebrations. Years 3-6 will go from 9.30 am to 1.00pm. Kindergarten to Year 2 will go from 10.45am to 1.00pm. Parents are welcome to join us. We allow the students to buy something at the pool canteen on this day.
Year 6 Final Assembly
Next Wednesday afternoon 18th December starting at 2.00pm there will be a final "fun" assembly run by Year 6 and their teachers. Parents are invited to attend to celebrate their child's last day of primary school.
PAX Word of the Week! IMMERSE.
Immerse means to involve yourself deeply in an activity or environment.
Immerse at our school (or in your workspace!) looks like ENGAGING IN LEARNING.
What are some of the ways that you can IMMERSE yourself in school or work? Remember to think about your senses too.
Happy Holidays
Please note that school finishes on Wednesday 18th December, and resumes on Thursday 6th February for all students.
Have an enjoyable Christmas.
Ian Reeves