Sport Report 

Mr Luke Paterson, Sport Co-Ordinator

"Difficulties in life are intended to make us better, not bitter."

Dan Reeves


Spirit of St Joey's Awards 2024

Our recipients received their medallions at our assembly this morning. Congratulations to Noah Bird & Ruby Sippel (Swimming), Ilah Collyer & Graison Manuel (Cross Country) and Nina Power & Boston Vince (Athletics).




Congratulations to the St Joey's boys who play in the Maroon Blasters Cricket Team. The team  has had a great start to the season winning 5 out of 6 games.


Well done boys!




Oliver Bowen was selected to play for Cumberland Nepean under 10s for the state softball championships which took place in Hornsby recently. Oliver played 10 games over 2 days with his team coming 3rd overall in his pool. Congratulations Oliver!


Term 4 Sport

This term we are very excited to be completing a 5 week NRL program. Thank you Brock Dunn from the National Rugby League for presenting this program to our students. 


Sporting Stories

We would love to showcase your child’s special sporting achievements in the newsletter. Please email detailed information and a photograph to or Mr Paterson at Please ensure photographs do not contain students from other schools as we are unable to publish them.