The Learning Zone

"Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." - Chinese Proverb

"Coming together is the beginning, staying together is progress,

and working together is success." - Henry Ford


It is difficult to believe that the end of 2024 is almost here, with another year of learning and teaching almost complete!  We would like to thank all the wonderful St Joseph's staff for their efforts and dedication throughout the year to ensuring the children receive the best education in supportive learning environments. We are proud of the many achievements of our students throughout the year. Whether it be in English or Maths, Religion or Science, on the sporting field or in any other learning area, there is so much to celebrate.

Semester 2 Student Reports

The Semester 2 Reports have been finalised and will be accessible on Compass this afternoon. Please take the time to carefully read the reports and highlight areas of strength and success with your child, and also areas for growth and development. Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you require assistance to access your child's report or if you have any questions or queries.

Student Learning Team 2024

Thank you to the members of our Student Learning Team for this year. The aim of the SLT is to give students a voice and to continue to build agency within our student community. It has been wonderful to have your input and feedback  during our meetings and after your learning walks this year. Thank you Mrs Mitchell for facilitating our meetings this year.

We hope you all have a wonderful school holiday break!


Maree Holland & Greg O'Toole