Curriculum Matters

On Thursday 14 March, Foundation watched Carp Productions in their performance of Proud to Be Me.
This explained how everybody is an individual, we are all different, we are all important and we all need friends. The Foundation students had a wonderful time and some of them got to help out with the performance.
Level 1
On Tuesday 19 March all the Year 1s participated in a “Toys over Time” incursion. Students discovered how toys have evolved by exploring their movements, cultural significance and the materials they are made from.
All the students enjoyed the play-based learning where in groups they rotated through several stations exploring the histories, facts and design variables across a range of toy themes.
Level 4
Harmony Day at Jells Park Primary was a vibrant celebration of diversity and unity.
Students enthusiastically participated in activities aimed at fostering an understanding and appreciation for different cultures.
The Level 4 students enjoyed making paper chain people to represent different backgrounds and played a fun ‘Find someone who’ game, asking questions about cultural traditions, languages spoken and heritage.
These activities promoted awareness as well as emphasised the importance of embracing diversity and building bridges of harmony within our school and beyond.
Level 5
Save the date next Tuesday 26 March and come on an exciting adventure at our World Fair!
Level 5 students have been working super hard on their chosen country exhibits. Join us in the gym between 12-1:15pm for a cultural journey!