Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School
Principal: Kevin Oakey
Assistant Principal: Julie Hall
Assistant Principal: Scott Zachariassen
Twilight Market - 22 March - TONIGHT
Really hoping that everyone is planning on coming to the Twilight Market Night tonight. The JPPC has worked really hard and there will be something for everyone.
- Market stalls and activities
- Food trucks for dinner and dessert
- Live music with "That 70's Band" performing
- Sport activities on the oval
The JPPC have some 'big' plans for the money they raise this year, which will be revealed soon. So come along tonight to support this great event.
Basketball Court
We have been planning this for a little while and now we are ready to go - resurfacing of the basketball court and surrounds.
School Council has approved the expenditure of funds to have the courts resurfaced with artificial turf, re-shaping of the gym end for better drainage and better use, pushing out of the fence line towards the footpath along Homestead Drive and repair of some of the pathway/drain cracks and edges.
This job will hopefully start during the school holidays and may make the courts 'out of action' for a few weeks at the start of Term 2. They will look fantastic, so it will be well worth the short-term inconvenience.
New School Council
A new School Council has been selected, based on nominations received from parent members. We welcome Adite Bhide (Kasoon - L1), Renee McNamara (Aria - F), Jeff Moss (Madison - F) and Nicholas Marollas (Liliana - F) as new members, to join Chris Turner (Finlay - L5), Katrina Derkacz (Kiarah - L4), Peter Spekos (Ethan - L4) and Ben Ritchie (Elijah - L5 / Nate - L3) as returning members.
Thank you to these people for nominating to be part of School Council and for giving support to Jells Park PS.
Thank You....again
Another massive thank you to all the parents that helped out with the second impromptu Working Bee last Friday. We managed to move 3 cubic metres of softfall around the fitness stations, making the areas safer for the students.
The community spirit and support was fantastic and the grounds are starting to look pretty good.
Kevin Oakey
Family TV Night
With the holidays fast approaching, you might have time for a family movie session. There are so many kids' shows out there it can be difficult to know where to start. Common Sense Media has always been a 'go to' site for me when it comes to media and technology. They have a created a variety of 'best of' lists - here's the link to Netflix series and once there you'll also see what other lists are available. Best Kids' TV Shows on Netflix | Common Sense Media The great thing is that they have reviews, age recommendations and you can choose the genre you want to search for too. So crack out the popcorn and enjoy a family movie together!
Easter is an important time of year for Christians. This year it will be celebrated from March 29 - April 1. Christians believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross on Good Friday and that he was raised from the dead, on Easter Sunday.
Many families celebrate by going to church or spending time with friends and extended family. Easter eggs are exchanged or brought by the Easter Bunny as a symbol of new life. This symbol represents the new life Christians believe Jesus' death on the cross gives them.
I'd also like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Easter and thank the school community for making me feel so welcome in my first term at Jells Park Primary.
Julie Hall
Assistant Principal