From the Principal

Harmony Day Celebrations
We had a wonderful time celebrating Harmony Day on Thursday 21 March. It was incredible to see our students come to school with a touch of orange or in their National dress. We loved seeing parents join in and come to school drop of with a big splash of orange too. LEPS definitely exemplified the theme of Harmony Day and that Everyone Belongs. I always feel the incredible cultural diversity of our community is what make LEPS the best place to work in the world!
Requests for school information to medical professionals
We have received a number of requests recently from families seeking information from class teachers to support referrals to various specialists (e.g.: speech pathologists, psychologists, occupational therapists etc...)
We are happy to assist with these requests but we do require your written consent before we are able to provide this information to external organisations and individuals.
Should you have such a request, please speak to your child's homegroup teacher or the office team who can provide you with the necessary forms for this.
Several of our staff work part-time and often have a number of other commitments and meetings so please allow up to 1 week for such requests to be completed.
Meet the Teacher Interviews
Thanks to all our families who attended their child's interviews on Monday 25 March. While these interviews are only short they are a valuable part of the home/school partnership. Students whose parents stay involved in school have better attendance and behaviour, get better grades, demonstrate better social skills and adapt better to school. Parental involvement also more securely sets these students up to develop a lifelong love of learning, which researchers say is key to long-term success. (Annie E Casey Foundation December 2022)
In one school year a child spends 7800 hours at home and 900 hours at school which is why the relationship between parents and schools is so important.
If you missed your interview on Monday, please contact the school to make a time to see you child's teacher/s on Wednesday 27 March.
End of term 1 and happy holidays
It has been a very busy term for everyone. Our preps are slowly starting to adjust to the school routine. Our 5/6s are settling in well to being the leaders in the school and our Grade 1-4s are also making lots of positive choices. We are looking forward to seeing some amazing work from everyone in term 2. BUT before that we need a refresh!
I hope all our families are able to enjoy some quality family time over the break. I am including a link to some fun and FREE things to do in the city.
My picks are the Fitzroy Gardens Outdoor Adventure (seek and find map available at the Visitor Centre) and the Little Food Festival.
For those who celebrate Easter, go to the Queen Vic market on Saturday 30 or Sunday 31 March to enjoy an Easter tea party with Easter Bunny.
Have an amazing break everyone. Stay safe, read lots of books, practice your numbers and have fun together. Remember, school finishes at 1:45pm on Thursday 28 March.