Celebrating Student Learning 

Crazy Hair Day 

Lots of CRAZY hair styles and fantastic COLOURED hair. Well done everyone!


Foundation & Year 4 Buddies

 Session 2: Easter Basket Making


On Wednesday 16th of March, the Foundation and Year 4 students had another Buddy session. 


We made Easter Baskets! It was an excellent activity for the Year 4 students to support their Foundation buddy, as making a basket from the 3D net of a cube is a challenging task. Cutting out the net carefully, folding the tabs accurately and taping the sides together even tested the patience of our Year 4s.


It was wonderful to see our Year 4s guiding and encouraging their Foundation buddies. We look forward to more buddy sessions this Term.



The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In what is now becoming a tradition for Deer Park West, we started the year in Art creating a new whole school mural for the library. This year's author focus was Eric Carle's "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". 

Each class contributed to the mural and created all elements of the book to tell the story in its entirety.  Students began by texture painting paper in the relevant colours and then worked together to collaboratively collage the cut up pieces of painted paper...Eric Carle style. the finishing touch was the gorgeous, and very hungry, tiny caterpillars created by our Foundation students. 

I am sure you will agree the finished product looks amazing. Please feel free to pop your head into the library and have a look next time you are visiting. 


Ms Reid 

Visual Arts Teacher