Wellbeing Matters 

Stronger Smarter 

During Stronger Smarter students have continued to be on the hunt for golden ducks in the playground. It has been fantastic to see some outstanding teamwork on display with exceptional communication skills. To finish off the term students will be invited to write positive messages or attributes about  their classmates to fill each other's wellbeing buckets. 

The collegiality and participation of all students during Stronger Smarter this term has been not only commendable but enjoyable to be a part of. I look forward to our term 2 focusing on self and identity.

Student Support Officer

As we move into the holiday period, we wanted to make you aware of the support that is available to for your children and their mental health when they are not at school. 

Changes to routine can be hard and your child may experience times when they feel a range of challenging emotions such as sadness, stress, or loneliness. 

Encourage them to stay connected with friends and family, look after their physical health and engage in activities that they enjoy. A simple yarn with friends or some time outside in the sunshine could do wonders for their wellbeing. 

During the upcoming holidays we encourage you as their parent or carer to find some time to check in with your child to see how they are traveling emotionally. It is just as important that you also find some time for yourself. It is totally ok to prioritise some time for yourself and your wellbeing. Five minutes a day to recalibrate or to simply enjoy a coffee in peace.

Students are encouraged to continually check in with themselves as part of their holiday routine. How am I feeling today? What are three positives from the day? 

If your child indicates that they may be struggling you may like to engage with your GP. You can also seek support from the Parent Line on 1300 1300 52. 

 Alternatively, you can access the services below by phone or online;


NSW Mental Health Access Line 1800 011 511- staffed by mental health professionals, the line gives NSW residents access to expert mental health advice, support and referrals for people dealing with a mental health problem and their families and carers.​


Kids Helpline is Australia’s only free 24/7 confidential and private counselling service specifically for children and young people aged 5 to 25. Call 1800 55 1800.


I would like to wish everyone a very safe and enjoyable break. Be safe and reach out for support if needed. 


Taryn Riles 

Student Support Officer