Infants and Primary


What a fun final fortnight of Term 1 for all lucky students. Everyone loved hopping and parading around at the Easter Hat Parade last week and having an extra long weekend full of chocolate thrown in for good measure. We are now excited about taking part in our Athletics Carnival and cheering our friends on as well. We hope many of you are able to be there enjoying the action as well.

Next week we have a solid five days of learning before holidays begin. We wish all our students and their families a lovely and safe holiday together.


Kindergarten have been focusing on learning all the different sounds that make up our words and learning to hear these in words, setting them up to begin reading and writing successfully. We learn to listen for particular sounds at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of words and enjoy playing games like ‘I spy’ with certain sounds. Playing games like these at home are great ways to help consolidate skills.

In Mathematics, we have been continuing to build our number skills to ten and beyond. We have built our own rekenreks which help us to count and see the smaller numbers that make bigger numbers. Lots of games and hands on fun happen during maths time and it is great to see not only number skills growing, but also our ability to take turns, follow instructions and work in pairs and small groups.

We have all enjoyed practicing our athletics skills in the lead up to the Athletics Carnival during sports lessons. A highlight was definitely having a go at high jump last week – great fun watching our older friends jump really high and then having a go ourselves.


Year 1 

We had a very busy fortnight in year 1. In weeks 9 and 10, students have been focusing on the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) focus of ‘play by the rules’. Year 2 joined our class and together we considered the rules that are already in place or should be added for the K-2 play area we use at lunch and recess.  

The Easter Hat Parade was much enjoyed by year 1 students, and we were grateful to see so many families come along to see the wonderful hats we had created. On Thursday, many students were surprised by another visit from the easter bunny in their classrooms. What a fun week before students headed home for an extra-long weekend.  

In week 10, three of our fabulous year 1 students are heading to the merit event for this term. These students have worked extremely hard this term to engage in all academic activities within the classroom and have consistently put in their best effort to complete classwork. Next term, I am confident we will see many students from year 1 attend the next merit event.  

In English, we have been exploring narratives and considering the clever things authors and illustrators do to create meaning in texts. Students have been thinking about and exploring the concept of character, creating their own characters with interesting traits and back stories. Throughout the remainder of the term, Year 1 will be putting together all their learned skills this term to create their own texts. 

In Mathematics, we have been looking at numbers and finding hidden numbers inside of bigger numbers. We have also been learning about and practicing a range of strategies to assist with counting. Some strategies include using doubles, near doubles, friends of ten, counting on and number lines. For the remainder of the term, year 1 will be exploring shapes as well as recapping the range of skills explored this term.  

I would like to wish all our families a happy and safe holiday, and I look forward to seeing students return for term 2. 

Emily Friend 

Year 1 Classroom Teacher 


Year 4/5

Over the past 2 weeks the 4/5 class have been working hard on their informative writing skills. We have completed our usual sentence a day and spelling activities, but this week we have had an exciting change. This week the 4/5 class are getting to contribute to the school newsletter. Our goal is to inform the community, our audience, about the awesome things happening in the classroom over the past 2 weeks. We have learnt about a paragraph structure called TEEC. TEEC sounds a bit funny, but it is just an acronym for Topic sentence, expand, example, and conclude. It’s really helpful when you are struggling with ideas and helps to keep the writer’s paragraph on track. We hope you can see our improved writing skills.

Sport With Jayden

The other day our entire class went to the hall and played some games. We played ship, shark, shore and then we got to play a game that Jayden showed us. Mr Rowley called out numbers and you would either play soccer, ultimate frisbee, hockey, or basketball. It was bibs vs non bibs and it was really fun and cool.

By Joe Reid


On Tuesday, we played sport with Jayden. We played a mix of hockey, soccer, basketball and ultimate frisbee. I like playing sport because we can do things we like. Everyone got to have a go at each game and got to verse their friends. I really enjoy sport.

By Chevie Stansfield


The other day, we had a very fun sport lesson with Jayden. We played hockey, basketball, soccer and ultimate frisbee. It was much more fun than doing work.

By Lexi Bowler


Sport on Tuesday was exciting and fun. On Tuesday we played hockey, basketball, soccer and ultimate frisbee. I felt happy when it was my turn to go play one of the games. Everyone had a go with all of the games. And everyone enjoyed the games. I hope that we play the fun and exciting games more often because it is really fun playing with my friends.

By Tahani Riley


I love playing sport with Jayden because Jayden is the best at sport. And because we have good sport games.

By Tesi Roberts.

We played sport with Jayden the other day. We played hockey, basketball, soccer and ultimate frisbee. I had fun and exercised.

By Maggie Dowling


When we did sport, with Jayden, It was fun. In the last 2 weeks we had sport with Jayden. In the sports session, we played Frisbee, Soccer, basketball, and field hockey. I mainly liked hockey because my dad played hockey. I had a lot of fun and I want to do it again.

Alli Gabriel


Western Cricket

Last week I went to western cricket with my friends Patch and William. It was in Dubbo. We had to bat and bowl. It was very had. We wanted to make it. There were kids from all different places. There were kids double our size. Then we all gathered around to see if we made it. Sadly, we didn’t make it. At least I got a day playing cricket rather than doing spelling and Maths.

By Beau Taylor


Last Thursday, me, Beau and Will got to go to Dubbo. We went because we got to play cricket for a western cricket trial in Dubbo. Our goal was to make the team and represent the school. It was very hard. But we did alright. I batted very well but Will and Beau bowled quite well. It was very fun. We trained in the nets for like 2 hours. I got to spend the day with my friends and play cricket.

By Patrick Smith

Art with Miss Wood

Some weeks we get to have Miss Wood twice, but other weeks we miss her art lessons. After Library on Wednesdays, we have Miss Wood and do art. At the moment it is all about shapes. And when we do art with Miss Wood, we use lead pencils so we can rub it out if we make a mistake. I love art lessons with Miss Wood.

By Joyce Hawley


Dear parents and carers, and Miss Wood. I love doing art with you and learning new things like shape and other art this year. On Wednesday we did another amazing art lesson with Miss Wood. We finished our Easter hats and then went on to learn about shapes and squiggly shapes. I really enjoy art.

By Coby Halls



Lunch time Library

Over the past two weeks I have been going to the library at lunch. I have been reading a book called Turning the Page, and I really like it. You can find it in a place called the little library. In our library lessons we are learning about the Premier's reading challenge where you can get a bronze, silver, gold, or platinum award. I hope I can get platinum.

By Jude Cokery



Easter Hat Parade

The Easter hat parade was at the oval on a nice warm sunny day. We were joined by Saint Josephs school and the Boorowa Early Education Centre. We were also joined by many members of the community. They watched all the children walking around in a circle, showing off their hats. There was a special guest, who was the Easter bunny. He came in a police car and handed out chocolate eggs. The day was one of the best days I’ve had at school.

By Siarra Lane


Western Football Trials

A couple of weeks ago some kids went to western footy trails, including me. There were nineteen kids and only seventeen kids were selected. The kids that made it will go to Parkes on Monday the 8th of April. I am really proud that I made the western footy team. I can't wait until its starts next week.

By Maddyn Trotter


The footy try outs. There were footy trials in the afternoon. Will Cross’s dad was coaching us because he has a lot of experience. He had to pick 17 players. He made us do light contact and some ball skills. And you can make it to western and state if you do really well. The try outs were 2 weeks ago. It was at the Boorowa Showground. It was hot in the afternoon. And we go to western next Monday. I’m excited.

By Tommy Ford.

Western swimming

Swimming at western is the best. You get to swim with lots of different people and watch them. I am going to state for swimming.

By Peter Bromham


All about Space

Over the past two weeks we have been learning about space. Our main topic was different stars and how the colour of stars changes due to the heat. Red stars are the coolest, yellow is in the middle, and bluish white stars are the hottest. There are lots of other colours, but they are the main ones. I also learnt that Aboriginals were the first astronomers, looking at the stars over 65000 years ago. We saw this article in a book called Deadly Science, we have been looking at in for a while now. It really interesting and jam packed with space facts like stars, supernovas, the sun, and black holes. My favourite fact has been that if you get sucked into a black hole you get spaghettified.

By William Griffin


With Mr Rowley we have been learning about space and our universe. There have been cool facts like if you get close to a black hole you will be spaghettified and compressed. If the different types of stars like red, yellow, and bluish white. Most of us now have a lot more information about space then before and we are still learning lots more about it. You should ask your children about it to get some cool info. The book that we have been reading is called Deadly Science. We still haven’t received a

physical copy yet so we are reading it online. I hope we get a physical copy soon and expand our writing skills learning about space. I will have some more space facts next fortnight.

By Caleb Healey


Times table champions

Over the past 2 weeks, we have been working on our 11 and 5 times tables. We are now working on our 7 times tables. When you practice you need to say all of your times tables as fast as you can. For example, 11 x 1 = 11, 11 x 2 = 22, all the way up to 11 x 12 = 132. So far in the class nobody has been able to beat Maddyn, but I have been practicing really hard. Maddyn even beat Mr Rowley in his 11 times tables.

By Digby Merriman


In wrapping up this edition of our school newsletter, we reflect on a fortnight brimming with learning, exploration, and a sprinkle of fun, showcasing the incredible things happening in the 4/5 classroom. I hope you have enjoyed reading our paragraphs, I know we enjoyed writing them. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, contact me via email

By Mr Rowley


Well it has been another very busy few weeks in the Primary classrooms. Our behaviour focus has been: ‘Play by the rules’. We have noticed that some of our students have trouble following the rules, especially in handball – so we have had this as a focus for the past fortnight. It’s an essential life skill for kids to learn how to lose, how to take it when you get out, and how to treat others fairly during games. We must ‘play by the rules’ in order for our school, playground and wider community to thrive during competitions, games and in all aspects of life.

One additional focus for our older primary kids is their language use around their peers. Unfortunately, some of our students are demonstrating poor control of their language and this is setting a very bad example for others, especially our younger students. We are encouraging all students to stand against this sort of language, as it really has no place within our school. Please encourage your children to use positive language here at school in all areas – especially in conversations with friends.

By the time this article is published we will have run our Athletics Carnival. Always a highlight of the school year, we thank all adults who volunteer to help us throughout the day – as these days simply don’t occur without you.

We would like to wish Peter all the best of luck at the State PSSA Swimming Championships next week – we are all behind you, Pete!

It was lovely to see our whole K-6 community involved in the Easter Hat Parade last Wednesday. While it is always a challenge for some of our students when routines change, it was a great example of community spirit with BCS, St Joseph’s and The Bee Centre all coming together to celebrate a great time of year. Another reason a small community is so great to grow up in.

I wish everyone a very happy and safe holiday break, and look forward to hitting term two running!

If you require any additional information or have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me via email:

Jason Stuart

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)

5/6 Classroom

The year 5/6 class have been busy the last fortnight. In English, we have finished our book ‘The Wild Robot’ by Peter Brown and we are now publishing our final pieces of writing about it – a formal book review. We will then do a short unit on ANZAC Day, focusing on the historical aspects of ANZAC Day, and the story of Simpson and his Donkey. In Mathematics, we are focusing on fractions, decimals and percentages – with a few lessons on data (tables, charts and displays) also included. Our new curriculum is jam-packed and we are working hard to stay on schedule. We have finished our first Mathematics assessments for the year and I will use this information to plan further ahead for the rest of the year.

As a classroom teacher, I am going to focus on our students using appropriate language inside and outside the classroom. It seems that a small minority of the 5/6 class believe that they can use inappropriate language when talking with their friends, and this is having a significant impact on a number of our younger students. If you are speaking with your child, please encourage them to use appropriate language at all times here at school.

As always, please get in touch if you require any further information:

Jason Stuart

5/6 Class Teacher

Assistant Principal Primary (Relieving)


Numeracy Program for Primary Students

Over this term, selected students from Year 2 to Year 6 have been visiting the high school once a week to participate in maths activities.

The students have been attending these weekly maths sessions in the high school maths classroom, where they have been engaging in a variety of maths activities. These sessions are designed to be both educational and enjoyable, aiming to foster a positive attitude towards maths and encourage students to develop their skills further.

During the sessions, students have had the opportunity to work both in groups and individually. This has allowed them to collaborate with their peers, as well as work on problem-solving skills independently.

The focus of the program has been to reinforce and build upon the mathematical skills that students have been learning in their regular classes. Through a combination of hands-on activities and challenges, students have been able to practice and improve their understanding of various mathematical concepts.

Additionally, the program has also introduced students to new areas of mathematics that they may not have encountered before. This has given them the opportunity to explore different aspects of maths and expand their knowledge in a supportive and encouraging environment.