Principal's message
Reflection on Term 1
Term 1 was a very successful return to the classroom for 2024. Every day throughout the term the Leadership Team conducted regular walks around the college, to have a clear understanding of our school climate. We observed calm and rigorous classrooms, with engaging learning opportunities being offered to students.
During the term we had many successful extra-curricular activities take place, which included the following.
- Year 10 Holocaust Excursion to Melbourne
- Year 7 & 8 Swimming Carnival
- Commencement of the Blue Edge Program
- Year 12 Great Southeast Bushwalk
- Steiner Adelaide Festival Camp
- VET Alpine Bushwalk
- Numerous inter school sporting teams, including tennis, cricket, and cross country.
Presentation of 2024 Dux & Dux Proximus at our whole assembly in Febuary.
Pictured: Mt Alexander Shire Mayor Cr Matthew Driscoll, Dux Proximus Louis Chapman, Dux of the college 2023 Oktavius Frew and Principal Justin Hird.
Oval Redevelopment
The long-term vision for our college is to develop a first class educational setting, with a view to achieving high levels of wellbeing and academic data across the college. This aspirational goal is underpinned by many factors, including the physical environment. Whilst the majority of our newly developed buildings provide these required facilities, some buildings and our external playing spaces are in urgent need of redevelopment.
Using this knowledge during Term 1, the Student Representative Council (SRC) surveyed students to determine which area of the college they would like developed next. The results were overwhelming, with the majority of students who completed the survey indicating the college ovals / soccer pitch should be our priority. This announcement was made to students during the Term 1 Achievement Assembly, conducted in the final week of term.
Staffing Update
Peta Firth will be on leave for Term 2, with these classes being covered by the following teachers.
- 7P Mathematics - Darryl Nettleton and Mark Johansson
- 7E Mathematics, 8R and 8P Science, 9 Science & 9G Mentor - Jacqui Teague
Literacy and numeracy focus
Students and families of Year 7 and 8 are reminded to complete their weekly literacy and numeracy homework through Education Perfect. Improving literacy and numeracy skills are beneficial for all students, and developing good homework habits is beneficial for improved VCE performance. Any parents who would like support with understanding the requirements of the homework tasks should contact your child’s mentor teacher or contact Sharon Rossiter (Numeracy Learning Specialist) or Sarah Ward (Literacy Learning Specialist).
School Council - office bearers
Congratulations to the following School Council Members in being elected for roles this year.
- Daydd Kelly - Acting President
- Jodi Oakman - Vice President
- Liz Grainger - Treasurer
Daydd Kelly
Families are reminded that XUNO is the main form of communication used by our college. Families must download the XUNO Family application to your phone, and should ensure notifications are turned on. XUNO is also used to check student attendance and access reports. Families and students are also encouraged to check XUNO daily, monitoring their attendance rate and checking for announcements that may be relevant for them. The college will distribute a newsletter, via email, at the beginning of each term.
Student Attendance
Students should aim to have attendance above 95%, which is no more than 2 days absent per term. If families need assistance to maintain high attendance with their child / children, please contact the mentor teacher to discuss supportive strategies.
Justin Hird