The Peace Child Musical

Dear Families,


Our school musical is a significant and enriching event in our school year. While our Year 6 students fill the major roles of the musical, each student and class is involved by performing on stage during the musical. This year the school will be performing 'The Peace Child' under the direction of Jenna Denholm.


We know there is a large amount of information sent to families about our school musical each year and this can be overwhelming, especially if it is your first year at Pilgrim School! This year we have decided to create a place where you can come for all the details you might need. You may want to bookmark the following link which we will share regularly in the school newsletter to see all of the latest news related to the musical. We will continue to update information over the next term in the lead up to the performances.


Latest Pilgrim School Musical News Link


With blessings,


Pilgrim School


Performance times

As a start, here are the performance dates and times for this year. Please add them to your diary.

  • Tuesday 2nd July, 1.45pm and 6.30pm
  • Wednesday 3rd July, 5.30pm (note earlier start)
  • Thursday 4th July, 6.30pm

All students are encouraged to be at each performance and we appreciate the effort of families to rearrange commitments to enable this to occur. Please let your child's teacher know as soon as possible if there is any reason your child will not be able to attend a performance.


We have listened to feedback from families and staff and will trial an earlier time slot for our Wednesday night performance this year to try to reduce some of the tiredness that can be experienced during musical week!




Each student will be asked to wear a simple costume relevant to their class item. We will soon provide information about what your child is required to wear for performances.



Please keep an eye out for the opening of ticket sales toward the middle of next term.


Year 6  Information

Each issue of Musical News will have a page with information for Year 6 families only. The first issue went solely to our Year 6 families with information regarding after school rehearsals. Other families do not need to worry about any of the information labelled for Year 6 students.