Sporting News

PDSSSC interschool sport results
Volleyball Results
Junior team lost to St Lukes 45-35 and defeated St Clares 37-33
Intermediate team defeated St Lukes 37-24 and also defeated St Clares 31-28.
Junior team defeated Xavier 2-1 and also defeated Santa Sophia 4-1.
Intermediate team defeated Xavier 7-0 and also defeated Santa Sophia 6-1
Congratulations to our Intermediate and Junior Oztag teams finishing undefeated in their pools at the PDSSSC Thursday Sport Competition. They now compete next week in the quarter finals.
Representative Achievements
Congratulations to Amber Stapleton, Grace Button, Zara Reynolds, Hannah Ison and Patikura Jim who will be representing the PDSSSC at the upcoming NSWCCC Touch Football Championships.
Congratulations to Ella Gunther and Sarah Powderly who were selected in the PDSSSC netball team.
Congratulations to our swim team who will be representing the PDSSSC at the NSWCCC Swimming Championships at Homebush. They are Abigail Clifford, Antonija Fuduric, Sienna Gurman, Teagan Hinds, Matilda Joyce and Talisha Locker-Cole.
Congratulations to Latasha Thimmaiah of Year 7 who has been selected in the NSWCCC Tennis team. She will next play at the NSW All Schools Championships in Bathurst.
Recreational Sport continued in and out of the College.
Sports now on and coming up.
PDSSSC Thursday - Oztag and Volleyball.
Gala Days / Carnivals - Open basketball and Open soccer.
There are many trials for school, PDSSSC and NSWCCC teams approaching. Please ensure that you are aware of the registration deadlines as these dates are strictly enforced.
Refer to the Sport Handbook (on compass under Community, School Documentation) for more information.
Please contact me at the College if you have any questions about Sport at Caroline Chisholm.
Mr Stephen McIlveen
Leader of Sport