From the Leader of Faith and Mission

Holy Week

This weekend we celebrate Palm Sunday, which marks the beginning of Holy Week. Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter, is a time of solemn reflection, prayer, and anticipation as Christian’s reflect and commemorate on the final days of Jesus Christ’s earthly ministry, beginning with his triumphal journey into Jerusalem, leading to his passion and death in Calgary. On Holy Thursday (28th March) the college community will gather in prayer and reflection on the key events in Holy Week which culminates in the joy of the resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday. 


In his Easter Message, Bishop Vincent explores the significance of Easter in the Church as it 

“... gives meaning, strength and power to transform the world in which we live. Easter provides us with horizons of hope within which we strive for the full realisation of the reign of God.”

During this Easter season, Bishop Vincent calls on us to work towards a ‘personal and cosmic transformation’ which is focused on the whole of creation that God created, sustains and detines for flourishing. He calls to a church that is centred on the risen Christ, promotes peace, advocates life for all costs and models justice, empowering the consciousness of the whole. 

During Holy Week there are a number of liturgical celebrations with our church.  The times for St Padre Pio’s Holy Week celebrations and Easter Masses are listed in the flyer below. 



You can read the full Easter Message from Bishop Vincent and information about the liturgical events in Holy Week in the Easter/Autumn Edition of the Catholic Outlook Magazine.