Message from 

the Principal

Message from the Principal

Welcome to Term 2

Thank you for the way you have prepared your children for returning to school.  They came in smiling and settled.


Term 2 is a work term.  Teachers spend Term 1 getting to know their class; this includes assessments, conferencing, and an Inquiry unit focusing on them.  Our focus for Term 2 is academic learning. Teachers use the knowledge they have gleaned about each student to challenge and support them in their 'next step' learning. 


Students need to be at school to achieve high standards. At the moment, we have 91% attendance, which is excellent—well Done! The challenge will be to keep this up during the colder months! 


I challenge each student with daily reminders to be their best in the classroom and allow others to do the same. This includes asking questions, seeking assistance when necessary, working independently when appropriate, working quietly, and respecting others' learning needs. Teachers will share and give feedback to their students regarding their learning progress and will finish the term with our end-of-semester reports. 


We continue to encourage you to read to and with your child, ask them questions about their learning, and switch off the screens whenever you can. By working together, every child achieves high standards. 


Great Podcast

This is an interesting podcast if you find yourself in the car on your own or out for a walk and would like an easy listen....

2025 Foundation Enrolments

If you have a child who will start the Foundation in 2025, 

please inform the Office and collect an Enrolment Form.   


Enrolment Information for New Families: 

Enrolments open on Monday, 15th April 2024, and close on Friday 24th May

Information Evening:   

Tuesday 7th May @ 7pm

Principal led School Tours:

Wednesday 8th May 9:15 am & 5pm

Thursday, 9th May, 9:15 am

Thursday 16th May, 9:15 am 


Please note that bookings are not required for any of these events.

Grow in the Likeness of God Award.

Each fortnight, I will award a member (or three) from our community this award based on our theme for 2024:   Grow in the Likeness of God.


This week's recipient is:  Briar.


Briar is a great example of a courageous person. She is inclusive and tries to make good choices even when they are difficult.   Thank you for all you do.