Mrs Jillian Rainger

Welcome to Term 1 Week 8!

This week sees the completion of NAPLAN for most students. I would like to compliment the students on the way they have conducted themselves in these tests. They are not easy and they are conducted in a very formal manner, quite different from normal class life. All students have managed to rise to the challenge and try their best. Thank you also to our NAPLAN co-ordinators Mrs Koch, Mr Ehsman and Mr Koch and all the teaching staff who have supervised the assessments. It runs smoothly due to the diligence of staff who then provide a calm environment for our students. 


Also you can read about our Christian Living Days in Secondary in Mrs Guest's RE section but I would like to acknowledge the work of Mrs Guest, the visiting Lasallian Youth Team who run the day and our supervising staff. Year 7 and 10 have had their days this week. Developing the spiritual life of our students is very important to us no matter what their background. Taking the time to reflect on our lives, the lives of others and the life of Jesus helps us to become better within ourselves. It also promotes thinking of others. Positive relationships are fundamental to a happy life. It is lovely to observe the students thinking , relating to and showing gratitude for what they have in their life.

Congratulations to...

Congratulations to our students in Year 3, 5 and 9 who completed NAPLAN today. Year 7 will finish on Wednesday. The students were dedicated to the task and applied themselves well. Catch up tests will continue until the close of the testing period on Monday 25 March.

Best Wishes to...

To our secondary girls and boys soccer teams competing on Thursday in the Bill Turner Cup and Trophy from 11:30am - families are welcome to come and watch


To Year 10 for their Mass this Friday at SHC at 9:30am - families are welcome!

Coming Up:

Crazy Hair Day on Friday

Please remember that all students can wear their hair in a crazy way on Friday and bring a gold coin donation or more for our final fundraising drive for Project Compassion. Please have some fun and give generously.


Easter Fair

Please take the time to be involved in any way with this event.  Ways to help include:

  • Help on your child's class or year groups stall by sending in donations or helping on the night
  • Sending in  Easter Eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt and Raffle
  • Donating to the book and the cake stall
  • Helping your child with their Easter Hat for the parade
  • Let your family and friends know it is on Friday 5 April from 5-8pm
  • Come along on the night and join in the fun!

Family Conferences

Family conferences for Years 8-10 will be held across the remainder of Week 8 and for K-6 on Tuesday 26 March and Wednesday 27 March. 


Year 10 Family Meeting regarding Work Experience

This important meeting is coming up next Wednesday 27 March. A note is coming home with students with more details.

Public Holidays and Pupil Free Day

Please remember:

Good Friday 29 March and Easter Monday 1 April are public holidays. The last day of term, Friday 12 April is a Pupil Free Day. Students last day of term is Thursday 11 April. School resumes on Monday 29 April for Term 2.


Term 1 Fee payments

Our Term 1 fees are due at the end of this week - Friday 22 March. Please pay promptly. Thank you to all our families who have made the shift to using our bPay system - details are located on your fee statement for payment.


Centacare Counselling for Students

We now have a counsellor on-site for 9 days in the fortnight. If you feel your child would benefit from seeing a counsellor to help with anxiety, worries, relationship issues, family breakdown, or changes in their lives, please contact the school. There is a referral form that needs to be completed by parents and sent to me for signing and sending to Centacare. The counsellor makes contact with the family to discuss concerns before sessions begin.


Food at school - fruit, lunches, snacks, water

We would never let any of our students go hungry but over the last 4 weeks we have been providing a high number of sandwiches and pieces of fruit to our students. Please take the time to send your child with a lunchbox with some fruit, something for lunch like a sandwich or a wrap and a snack. A water bottle is also important. If you are struggling to provide this please let us know so we can help. We will be checking with families of children who regularly come to the office and say they have no lunch. We are happy to help but also don't want to be providing for students who maybe just don't like what's in their lunchbox!


Have a good week! 
