Wellbeing News

Mrs Charlotte Allan 

Student Wellbeing News

Experiencing and dealing with distress following the Bondi Junction attack

The attack at Westfield Bondi Junction at the weekend was a tragic and distressing event. We know that there is a connection between exposure to traumatic events and mental health issues, and it’s important to be ready to support children and young people who may be struggling. A list of mental health services, helplines and resources are below to help support yourself and your family following this distressing incident over the weekend.  


For further resources and support please follow this link from BeYou and/or get in touch. 

Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL)

Each week we have a whole school behaviour focus where we all work together to make an effort to act upon the behaviour. The students will learn about ways they can act upon this behaviour through role plays, drawings, conversations, dialogue and exploring examples as well as non-examples. 

Week 1

Act Responsibly in transition spaces by Making sure your bag and belongings are in the correct space 

Week 2

Act Responsibly in toilets Going with an appropriate partner 

Week 3

Act Responsibly in outdoor spaces by following staff instructions

Week 4

Stay Safe in classroom spaces by walking

Respectful Relationships- Stress Management 

This term all levels are focusing on the Social Emotional Learning Topic of Stress Management. Activities in this topic focus on teaching positive calming strategies to deal with stress. This helps students to cope with future challenges. 


If you would like to explore Stress Management at home, complete the activity below. 



Please reach out if you have any further questions or if I can support you or your child in any way callan@smashburton.catholic.edu.au