Principal's News

Dear Parents & Parishioners,


The weather Gods were smiling on us last week as the Year 5 & 6 students spent four full days in Canberra where they were immersed in a range of learning experiences that complimented their current studies of democracy, the levels of government in Australia and our electoral system.

Our coach driver, Scott, had a healthy playlist to ensure a strong chorus of OHR students were heard belting out songs as we travelled between destinations.  

It was hard to determine the favourite acitivity in the eyes of the students, but many agreed that Questacon and the CSIRO rated very highly.  For some the experience of visiting Parliament House sat high on the agenda.  For others it was the time spent at Mount Stromlo Obervatory or the Royal Botanic Gardens that peaked their interest.  Many of us took great pleasure in simply cycling the 8km course around the shoreline of Lake Burley Griffin where we basked in the glorious morning sunshine.

Overall, every student was provided with a week away that they will remember for a long time to come. 

The accommodation was clean and modern, with the catering offering a variety of choices at both breakfast and dinner.  A barista serving coffee to the staff each morning was a great way to maintain our endurance!

The parents of the students were kept up to date with a plethora of photos shared through Seesaw, with thanks to Mr Byrne.  Thanks also to Mrs Mitchell, Mrs Maher and Ms Mackay for taking such good care of the students every day.  They looked after the students as they would their own children.


On countless occasions we were provided with positive feedback on the manners and attentiveness displayed by our students.  The students, themselves, acted as exemplary ambassadors of OHR wherever we went.  What made us most proud, however, was the way in which they looked out for one another.

Student Agency

The focus of Tuesday's staff professional learning day was two-fold.  Firstly, we delved into developing a shared understanding of what is meant by student agency, what this looks like and how this can be elevated at OHR.  Secondly, the staff began to explore integrated units and how student agency can be promoted through an inquiry process. 

When students are agents in their learning, they are more likely to have “learned how to learn” – an invaluable skill that they can use throughout their lives.

OHR Annual Action Plan 2024:  Intended Outcome

That student engagement and learning outcomes improve.

Key Improvement Strategy:  Build teacher capacity and knowledge of evidence-based pedagogies.

A New Arrival

Congratulations to Sanna and James P on the birth of their baby daughter Annabelle. Annabelle entered the world last Thursday. Sebastian (1/2GC) could barely contain his excitement at school last Friday. 

Years 5 & 6 Parent Gathering - tomorrow night!

Our third gathering of parents will be the Year 5 & 6 evening at the home of the Love's. This is scheduled for tomorrow, Friday 15 March.  BYO drinks.  Please refer to the details in the invitation below: 


OHR Family Easter Picnic

The OHR Family Easter Picnic is on this Sunday in the school grounds commencing at 11.30am, immediately following the Year 1/2 Family Lead Mass.  All families are warmly invited to come along.  Details can be found on the PFA News page.  

Easter Colouring Competiton

Details of the 2024 Easter Colouring Competition for primary school students in the Kew electorate can be found on the School Community page in this Newsletter.  Jess Wilson MP invites all the students to get involved.  Entries are due back to the school office by this Monday.

Raising Kids in a Digital World

Join us next Thursday 21 March for an enagaging, insightful and practical webinar where you will hear from both the expertise of an experienced primary school teacher and cyber safety educator - Marty - combined with the insights of a psychologist and mum - Carley.  

Inform & Empower is endorsed by the eSafety Commissioner as a Trusted eSafety Provider.

The Digital World is a rapidly evoloving landscape for parents and their children.  This very practical webinar will provide parents with the tools to support their children in navigating this landscape in their homes.

Here is the link so that parents can register for the webinar :

Once parents register (with an email address and name), you will be emailed a link to the webinar. You will also receive reminder emails. The day following the webinar, you will receive a link to access the replay. Therefore, we recommend that even if you are unable to attend the live webinar, that you register to ensure access to the replay which will be available for 30 days.

Working Bees

There are four Working Bees scheduled throughout this year and it is hoped that each family would be able to attend at least one of these events.  The Working Bees will be coordinated by both Luke Torpey and Justin Bolger to address the upkeep of the school grounds and minor maintenance matters. Working Bees are a cost effective and essential means to maintaining aesthetic school grounds that afford a safe and welcoming environment for our children, parents and visitors. 

Working Bees provide the opportunity to connect with other families, and the children always have a great time helping out and playing with one another in the school grounds. A range of days and times are available to enable each family the opportunity to select the most suitable Working Bee.

The dates for this year’s Working Bees are:  23 March, 5 May, 10 August and 20 October. A complete list of dates can be found on the school calendar.  You will notice that we have alternating Saturday and Sunday Working Bees.  You can email your preferred day to 

Justin: or Luke: 

We request that you look ahead at your commitments for 2024, and nominate for at least one Working Bee now.  It’s a great way to show your children that you value their school through committing to a few hours per year.  Certain families have been extremely generous with their time over recent years in turning up to multiple Working Bees within the one year.

The first Working Bee is a morning session (8.30am – 10.30am) scheduled for Saturday 23 March.  A barbeque and refreshments will be provided during this time. 



Wishing everyone a great weekend,

Frank Dame