Special Events

Preps Meet their Year 12 Buddies
At first, I was really nervous about meeting our buddies, but it ended up being a really fun time! We spent time getting to know our buddies while playing with them outside. It was especially fun to play games we used to play when we were in Primary School.
I'm really looking forward to getting to know our buddies better throughout the year and spending more time with them.
Year 12 Student
I had lots of fun with my big buddy.
We had fun playing Snakes and Ladders.
Ember and JoJo
Prep Students
Whole School Assembly
Last week we held our first Whole School Assembly for the year and the first for our new school Principal, Michelle Dempsey.
Much of this assembly was centred around acknowledging and celebrating our appointed student leaders in the Secondary School for 2024 as well as significant student achievements. In particular we introduced our Year 12 Leaders: School Captains: Acacia Smith and Owen Payze; our Faith Leadership Team Leaders: Toby Van der Veen and Mia Kirkwood; our Student Cultural Leader: Afia Thang; our Student Representative Council (SRC), and our Tribal Sports Leaders. The students listed shared a little about themselves and encouraged their peers with a short message.
Two student leaders from the Primary School reflected on their experience of attending a recent leadership conference and the valuable opportunity this was for them.
Michelle Dempsey gave her first address and reflected on the story of Babette’s Feast (I encourage you to look this up), emphasising God’s love and grace for us and encouraging our students to use their gifts to bring people together, building a Christ-centred, gracious community.
We acknowledged the achievement of Irin Khuk Zawn who obtained a place in the University of Melbourne’s Kwong Lee Down Young Scholars Program, and Zeph Kunst, who won a scholarship to trek the Kokoda Trail, courtesy of the local RSLs. Zeph heads off on this trip over the Easter holidays!
One of the highlights of the assembly was the worship team, led by Tristan Forrest. The team this year was the largest we have ever had with no less than 23 students on stage! They led us in a beautiful time of worship and it was wonderful to see so many of our Year 7 students confident and excited to join this team.
The whole assembly had a joyous and celebratory feel as we thanked God for our school community and particularly for those in leadership within it.
Amelia Koole
Senior Secondary, Careers & VET Coordinator