School News

Mr Irwin's Message

Hello families and welcome to this week’s newsletter. 



I hope you listened to Issey’s important message about this Thursday. Please take the time to read “Issey’s World” which her parents Anne and Haydn have put together.  

This will be the last newsletter for Term 1 and there’s a lot happening between now and the last Thursday of term at house athletics. 


Please check the calendar to make sure you are aware of dates relevant to students. There’s a range of fun days happening across the school which culminates in House Athletics on Thursday.


For Senior and Middle school students, they will walk down to Don Wallace right after the Morning Message to commence their events. For Junior and Foundation students they will walk down after morning break to commence their events at 12:40pm. At the conclusion of athletics we will have our final assembly and present SWAG (Students With Amazing Growth) to students, and conclude at 2:30pm our normal end of term dismissal time. Students are to be collected/dismissed from Don Wallace at the end of the day.


As it is a House Athletics event students wear the colours of their house for this event. It’s wonderful to see a sea of red, green and yellow as they all participate. 


Parents are most welcomed as spectators and it is a thoroughly enjoyable community day. It is important families are mindful that this is a day of school. It’s most important that your presence doesn’t impact student’s participation in the carnival. This means spectating from the sides of the oval and events and not distracting students from their focus of participating in events. 


Have a wonderful holiday break with your family. There are some tired students at school who have worked so hard over term one and are ready for a rest from learning. If you’re travelling over the holiday period stay safe and we look forward to having everyone back for a busy term 2!


For the remainder of the week I will be out of school with our leaders at our Leadership Camp at Beloka Kelpies. This is a wonderful immersion experience for our emerging leaders. 


Ms Barnett and Mr Lindsay will remain at school and be available should you have any matters that require urgent attention.


Bye for now. 


OSH News

Support Learning With Healthy Lunch Options

Please note our lunch eating time has changed this year. Students have their main meal at 11.30am, then a small snack at 2.10pm after the second recess. 

For further information go to: Healthy lunchboxes | Healthy Eating Advisory Service