Dates  to Remember

Term Dates 2023

Term 1Friday 27th January - Thursday 6th April
Term 2Monday 24th April - Friday 23rd June
Term 3Monday 10th July - Friday 15th September
Term 4Monday 2nd October - Friday 15th December


Thursday 2ndTwilight Sports (4.30pm - 6.30pm)
Monday 6thSchool Closure Day
Tuesday 7thMelbourne Cup Day (Public Holiday)
Friday 10thRemembrance Day Liturgy (2.30pm)
Saturday 11thSt Simon's Fete (10.00am - 3.00pm)
Friday 17thPrep Zoo Excursion


Friday 1stWeek 1 Advent Liturgy (2.30pm)
Tuesday 5thWeek 2 Advent Liturgy (2.30pm)
Friday 8thWeek 3 Advent Liturgy (2.30pm)
Monday 11thWeek 4 Advent Liturgy (2.30pm)
Tuesday 12thYear 6 Funday ay Jells Park
Wednesday 13thThanksgiving Mass (9.15am)
Thursday 14thYear 6 Graduation Mass (6.00pm)
Friday 15thLast day of school (2.30pm dismissal)
Friday 15thEnd of year assembly (11.30am)

Term Dates 2024

Term 1Monday 29th January - Thursday 28th March
Term 2 Monday 15th April - Friday 28th June
Term 3Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September
Term 4Monday 7th October - Wednesday 20th December

School closure days for 2024 tba


Monday 29thTeachers resume (no students)
Tuesday 30thStudents Year 1 - Year 6 assessment appointments
Wednesday 31stAll students  Year 1 - Year 6 return


Thursday 1stPrep students first day (full day)