Bike Club

Clare Rayner

Overnight Bike Camp


Day 1 – Lilydale to Warburton Trail 

Day 2 – O’Shanassy Aqueduct Trail


This was the first time that we've had an overnight biking camp and the students were amazing. They were 100% committed to the task with a sense of adventure - we didn't hear any complaints for the whole event.  Students coped with very hot conditions on day one to complete a gruelling 45km all the way to East Warburton; towards the end it was definitely 'grit by dirt" in terms of their determination to get to camp, as they were hot and tired. The promise of a BBQ kept them moving. Once in camp students got straight on to the task of setting up their tents and camp before any rest. A peaceful night under the stars and beside the river was had by all. 


The next morning the temperature was cooler, which was an advantage as the start to the riding route was a climb up a steep hill; 200m of increased altitude in only 2-3km. Once again, the students got straight into the task and supported and encouraged each other. Upon arriving at the Aqueduct the ride was more relaxing, travelling through beautiful ferns and lush green trees all the way to Launching Place. The students achieved a total of 65km over the two days - brilliant.  


It was a pleasure to take the students away; they have really taken on board the challenge of extending their cycling skills and control. Mr de Kunder and myself look forward to more adventures next year.  Well done to all and thank you for your efforts.