Important Dates
Wednesday 25th October - 3YO Community Picnic
Monday 6th November - Student free day (report writing) - Kinder Closed
Tuesday 7th November - Melbourne Cup Day
Wednesday 8th November - 2024 Information Night
Friday 15th December - Last Session for Wattle and Warratah
Tuesday 19th December - Last Session for Banksia and Lasiandra
Wednesday 20th December - Pack up Day - Kinder Closed
2024 Enrolments and Information Night
Those who are returning to us next year, please check you inboxes for enrolment forms that need to be completed and details about our upcoming Information Night on the 8th November.
All children need a new enrolment form completed each year, although some details will be prefilled for those that are reenrolling, the majority of the form needs to be updated for 2024. Please complete these as soon as possible.
Information Night will be held at the kinder and will give you an opportunity to meet your child's educators for 2024. You will also have the opportunutity to sign up for a "meet and greet" for early in the new year.
Parent Survey
We have created a Parent Survey and are asking that our Kinder families complete it over the next couple of weeks. It is an anonymous online survey that invites parents to provide feedback about what’s going well at Vermont Primary School Kindergarten, as well as any areas for improvement. The survey includes questions on parent experience and satisfaction with their child’s kindergarten program. An email with a link will be sent next week or feel free to use the QR code below. The QR code will also be up in the kinder foyer next week. You will only be able to complete the one survery per person.
Vermont Reserve Works
The works next door at the Vermont Reserve have become very popular with the children. They have been watching and learning about all the different machinery. Some of the children were quite intrigued by the signals the trucks use to "speak" to each other - one beep for "stop" and two beeps for "go"!
We have set up a construction site in the raised garden bed and the children are loving having their own smaller versions of the big machines they can see to play with.
Recently every Early Childhood service in Victoria was lucky enough to receive a one off $5000 grant to purchase new sustainable equipment for the children. We have begun to spend the money and some of our items have arrived. There is more to come in the coming weeks.
The children have already been loving using our new swing. The laughter and smiles have been beautiful. We can't wait to show the children the other equipment we have chosen and see how they use it.
We are always looking for resources that can compliment and enhance the children's play. Sometimes these resources come in natural items that we can find anywhere and sometimes we need to spend some money to purchase well-designed, purpose built items. We are always very careful in selecting resources and equipment to compliment our programs. We think we have spent some of this grant wisely and the children will get a lot out of these pieces of equipment for many many years.