Curriculum Matters 


On Wednesday 8th November, Foundation students took part in a Craft Power incursion to create wooden cars. 

The students learnt how to use a hammer, nails and pliers. They learnt about how the forces of push and pull work together when using their tools. 

Level 1

As part of our ‘Weather and Environment’ unit of study, students in Level1 have been learning about how clouds are formed and different types of clouds. 

Students have enjoyed craft activities related to the topic. They have also grasped a good knowledge of the water cycle. 

Level 3

Our Level 3 students embarked on an unforgettable adventure to Sovereign Hill for an enriching and educational camp experience. 

Exploring the fascinating history of Australia's gold rush era, they delved deep into the Red Hill Mine and Quartz Mine witnessing the toils and triumphs of miners from the past. 

The Aura light show transported students back in time, allowing them to vividly relive the bygone days of gold discovery. 

To top it all off, our young historians were treated to a captivating gold pouring demonstration, shedding light on the intricate process of turning raw gold into gleaming treasures. 

This camp not only ignited their curiosity but also fostered a deeper appreciation for our nation's heritage. Students enjoyed the delicious food served and had a wonderful time in their cabin groups. 

We are grateful for the valuable experiences that Sovereign Hill has provided to our students!

Level 4

Phillip Island Adventure Camp


Level 4 had a very successful Camp. 

The students had a great time trying new things and making the most of all the activities on offer.  A big thank you goes out to the parents that volunteered and came to camp, without them we wouldn’t be able to run activities like these.  

Thank you to Ange Athanasopoulos, Alex Karroum, Cat Burton, Priyanka Rastogi and Liz Fincham.  Also to Denise Owen our Education Support for all her work at camp. 

On the 25th of October to the 27th the whole of Level 4 went to Philip Island camp. 

It was very fun, some of the activities were giant swing, canoeing and crate climbing. We went for 3 days and 2 nights and came back on the afternoon of the 27th. All the grade 4s had a great time. Our night activities were visiting the Penguins, which are very small penguins with blue feathers and called Little Penguins. On the second night we had a walk around the lake and then roasted marshmallows on the fire. It was a great time and we saw some unique wildlife like Wallabies, birds, fish and insects. Then we went back to school on a bus it was an hour and a half drive, but we made it. I would absolutely recommend it. If you go, I hope you have a great time. 

Jordon 4B 


This year Level 4 went to Philip Island. WE all had fun and tried new things. We had some weather problems in the start, but we ended up with some pretty good weather. We had to make sure to avoid the swans or they would chase us! My favourite activity was canoeing because it was fun. As I said we all had, and it was and excellent camp. 

Thomas 4B 


On the 25th of October, all the Level 4’s went on a trip to Philip Island and came back 3 days later. We got to go on fun things such as the giant swing, canoeing, going to the beach and many more. 

Before we went to camp, we made a goal for what we can achieve at camp. Lots of people said they won’t go on the giant swing, but everyone at had a go and experienced new things. We also went to see the Penguins.  

On the last day of camp, half of us went to Smiths Beach and half Amaze ‘n’ Things. The water in the beach was freezing but all had fun on the beach. Everyone enjoyed Amaze ‘n' Things and some people went on the drop slide. 

Overall, everyone had a brilliant time and enjoyed camp. 

Sunjae 4B 


Arriving on Wednesday, Philip Island was an exhilarating experience. Throughout the activities, giant slide, penguin parade, initiatives course and many more, I found myself thoroughly enveloped by the teamwork and cooperation required. The teachers, having organised the whole camp, were absolutely awesome! I felt like I could accomplish anything!  I especially enjoyed working together as a team in the initiatives course, as well as celebrating the courage of all whom tried their best. Overall, the Grade 4 camp was Philip Island was successful.  

Trinity 4B 


Coral Vass Author Visit


On Thursday 2nd of November, Level 4 had a visit from Coral Vass. She spent a session with each level 4 classes running a writer’s workshop. The students had the opportunity to hear about how she forms ideas, plans her books and how long the process takes. She shared some of her books and tips for starting their own story. At the end of the day all of level 4 came together to hear about one of Coral's most famous books Sorry Day. The students enjoyed the day. 

On the 2nd of November the grade 4s had an author Coral Vass come and visit. She told us about her books and what the story behind them was. She went to each class to do some activities with the students. She told us how she thought of and came up with some of her books like the book Two Birds on a Wire

She came up with that book from her driving in her car and then she came to a red light. She saw two birds on a wire. Her two children were in the back of the car fighting so then that gave her an idea of a good children’s book. She read the book to us and then got two students to act it out. 

At the end we all came together so she could talk to all of us about her book Sorry Day. She told us about the children getting taken away from their families then getting put into an orphanage. She then told us how long it took her to make that book. It took her 4 years. The guy who illustrated it, Dub Leffler he got taken from his biological Mother next time you read that book look out for that maybe you’ll see it. We had a great time listening to her.

Riley 4B 


On November the 2nd we had an author visit our school. 

The author told us about her books and how we could be better writers. At the end of the day, we learnt about what happens in the book Sorry Day and how it was based on a true story. The true story was about children being taken away by the white men. The children were taken away from their mothers and never got to see their mother again. The story went to say that the girls were taught how to do jobs and work for people in their homes and then people could buy them for them to do work. The boys had to go to the boys home, the boy’s home was a placed where they would get punished apparently one child stayed there still, they were an adult. That’s enough about the end of the day. 

In the morning we had six pictures you had to choose one and write what happened in your story. It was all from your imagination, we had to write an introduction, who was the main character and what happened in the main part in your story. As well as that she showed us some pictures of the books she wrote.  Jorns Magnificent Imagination, was about how he designed the Sydney Opera House and how when he was young, he was called different to the others and when he was older nobody liked the Sydney Opera House, but now everybody likes the Sydney Opera House. After that we read some of her books that she made herself with others. We saw some books that we haven’t seen before. She even told us how she got ideas from books, like Two Birds on a Wire on how they were fighting with each and at the end they decided to share the wire and how they became friends at the end. The day was good overall. The books were outstanding. The work was really fun I would rate this day a 8.5/10.

Dylan 4B