Principal's Report

Jells Park Primary School



Principal:                         Kevin Oakey






Assistant Principal:     Kellie Stewart









Assistant Principal:     Scott Zachariassen



Planning for 2024

We are already well underway with planning for 2024 and I know that families and students are always curious to see what changes will be in place. I will try to provide a clearer picture in the next newsletter. It would look likely that we will have a number of changes and there will be some shuffling of teacher's year levels. 


In the mean time, it would be really helpful to know if any family is leaving Jells Park PS for some reason at the end of the year (other than Level 6's). Please let us know immediately. We are still getting regular enquiries for enroling at our school and I would like to accommodate these families if possible. Earlier notice helps our planning on these matters.

School Grounds

How good does the front of the school look now?? We have had artifical grass laid all around the junior playground. This makes the front look great, safer for the children and saves all the soil and tanbark being washed away in the rain.

Once again, we can only do these things due to the generosity of JPPS families making 'Buildings & Grounds' donations at the start of the year.


Respect - is a school value and a word that is used frequently in general society. But it is also something that seems to disappear really quickly when people get in their car and are searching for a car park, particularly around 9.00am and 3.30pm each day.

Can I implore parents again to be calm and respectful when driving and car parking around Jells Park PS. We all know that these times are a challenge but for the safety and wellbeing of the students everyone needs to approach these times with care and consideration. 

Part of 'care and consideration' is doing the right thing. For the safety of the students:

  • Please do not park in the staff car park,
  • Please do not leave your car when parked in the 2min zone,
  • Please do not do U turns across Petronella Ave or Homestead Dr, 
  • Please do not use neighbours driveways to turn and back out into traffic. 

These are either illegal or dangerous actions and can cause accidents which affects the safety of our children. Please take care.

Graphic Designer

I am seeking a family / community member who works in the graphic design business that would be able to assist us next year. I am looking to have some redesign work done on all our letterheads, banners, newsletter and website. There is NO intention to change the logo, but we do need a revamp on how we present some of our materials.

If you can help, please drop me a line at or call me on 9560-6494.




Kevin Oakey
