JPPC Activities

Hello Jells Park Primary Community!


Welcome to Term 4! We have exciting things coming up to end the fundraising year off with a bang!

The colour run is fast approaching on Tuesday 14 November. Your child would have brought home a brochure with instructions to register your child. Please complete this process and start raising needed monies to go towards the school! 

We require the help of parent volunteers on the day. We have 3 sessions available for you to volunteer for:

  • Set up 8am-9am
  • Session 1 8.45am-10.30am
  • Session 2 10.30 – 1.00pm

If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to Janneke via email on and nominate your Session time.


Also coming up, is the Family Portraits Fundraiser on 25 November 2023. It is the perfect opportunity to update your family photo, pets welcome! They will make for the perfect Christmas card or gift!

The last second-hand uniform stall for the year will be held this term. Keep your eyes peeled for more dates and details. We are also calling out for any unused sports tops (all houses) in all sizes and any items that have the school logo on them. 


That’s it from JPPC, bring on the Colour Run! 🌈