JP Racing 2023

Casey Fields

On Saturday the 21st of October we had our 3rd HPV race at Casey Fields. 

We’ve been training there since the start of the year so we knew the track well, although there were a lot of crashes because some other people didn’t use their horns. We all worked and pushed our hardest on the tracks and had good laps.

During the race, there were snacks and drinks provided which made sure that all the children didn’t starve. The race was an 8-hour race from 8:00 – 5:00. Most riders got 2 chances of riding.

In the end, we had Vanquish finish in second, Raptor in third, Phoenix tied 4th with another team and Shazzam in 7th. We all had lots of fun and most of us were exhausted after the race. We all can’t wait for Maryborough!

Violet S, Poppy L and Illy K