What's Happening In Our Grade 

Welcome back to Term 4 to all our families!


It’s been a busy term so far, with lots of exciting whole school events and of course our extra long holiday weekend, which will hopefully see everyone coming back nice and refreshed for our last few weeks of learning!     

This is what we’ve learnt so far in Term Four, and what’s still to come!!!



This term students have been learning all about Narrative Texts, which are stories that entertain the reader. They have been developing their understanding of the purpose, structure and language features of this text type using a variety of mentor texts for both their reading and writing. 

The students have been learning all about an ‘Orientation’ at the beginning of a narrative, using the guiding questions of When, Who, What, Where and Why, both in their analysis of story structures and in their own writing samples.

Following on from Narratives, students are beginning their learning of Exposition Texts, where they examine the arguments of a given topic. In their own writing, students will then formulate either a ‘For’ or 'Against’ position with supporting arguments on a particular topic.



Multiplication and Division has been the focus this term. Students have been learning to make arrays with columns and rows and use repeated addition and number lines to solve mathematical problems. They have used sharing, made groups and arrays to solve division problems and are now extending their learning of sharing into Fractions. 

Students have also consolidated their learning of 2 Dimensional Shapes and extended their understanding of  Transformations, using the language of Flip, Slide and Turn of a variety of shapes. 

Chance and Capacity are also areas of learning the students are covering this term. In Chance, students will use language that confirms either the likely or unlikely possibility of something happening. In Capacity, students will be provided with many opportunities to estimate, measure and compare the capacity of a variety of containers.



Students have continued their Inquiry work on Geography this term. The students have used Google Earth to explore our world, and Australia with a narrowing focus on ‘Our place in Australia’, our local area and community. They are making connections to our community and the facilities that are important to us and identified why they are important to us.


Classroom Systems is truly embedded in our classroom as students demonstrate our school values within the different settings of our classroom environment. Students have been receiving their Buzz Awards  acknowledging their positive behaviours and are enjoying the chance to spin the wheel!


We can't forget the much awaited swimming program that is coming up soon, and I know we are all really looking forward to that!!!


Kind regards,

Grade 2 Teachers