Whole School Events

Funky Monkey Disco

Without a doubt, unforgettable memories were created at Mackellar’s Funky Monkey disco where many students embraced the disco spirit and danced and laughed for the entire time.  Our Halloween-themed dress-up day created a sea of amazing, colourful costumes and was a fantastic added dose of excitement at the disco. 


Whole school events like this foster a sense of community and belonging for children whilst strengthening their connectedness to peers.  It was truly heart-warming to see our students from foundation to grade 6 join in the fun and socialise with students from other classes and year levels.


Sincere thanks to our Funky Monkey DJ; her great selection of music inspired everyone to dance.  Thank you to our families for sending a gold coin along on the day as it supported us to have a DJ, and I mustn’t forget the take-away gift for our attendees (other than a huge smile and a warm, happy heart)… A bag of assorted lollies!


Kind Regards,

Tanya Lindsay-Clark

Day for Daniel 

Here is our whole school poster from our recent awareness day around child safety.

Students thought carefully about people they trust and know well enough to turn to, to seek help from, or talk to if they are feeling unsafe, worried.  The hands represent people students feel they can trust.  A wonderful team effort in communicating these very important messages about safety.