Classroom Systems Parent/carer survey

Dear Parents and Carers,


Has your child shared their classroom matrix and Buzz Awards with you? 


To measure the success of our recently implemented Classroom Systems approach to acknowledging positive behaviour, it would be greatly appreciated if you can please complete the following survey using the link below.


To complete the survey, please ask your child about their new classroom matrix and Buzz Award system, then click on this link:

Matrix of Expectations and Classroom Buzz Awards

Classroom Systems has been an important part of our SWPBS implementation at Mackellar this year.  Students have negotiated classroom routines and expectations with their teachers to create individual matrices that reflect our whole school values and expectations.  


When students have been acknowledged 10 times with Buzz cards from their teacher, they have an opportunity to spin the classroom wheel for a prize.  All prizes are student- teacher negotiated. Whole school values of Learning, Respect, Resilience and Teamwork are across the top, whilst the settings are listed vertically; whole class learning, small group learning, independent learning, transitions, and when I need assistance.  Receiving Buzz Awards for positive behaviour and expectations on classroom matrices are very rewarding, to say the least!  


Tanya Lindsay-Clark

On behalf of the SWPB Team



Below:  Term 4 Clubs timetable that is promoted in all classrooms.